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Swiss Apple Roesti (Video)

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Make an extraordinary dessert in no time using stale bread an apple. A timeless classic from the Swiss Alps.

Today I explore a simple and very satisfying way of turning rock-hard stale bread into an amazing dessert in a 4 minute video. Here it is:

You can also see this film on Vimeo - moderate quality but a bit faster than Exposure Room above, or on Youtube which should work whatever browser you are using.

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External Comments

«There are a lot of things I love about the video demos on FX cuisine, but mainly I watch them for the ridiculous medieval kitchen tools that come out of nowhere and never seem to be commented on.» Anna P 02/04/2009

Copyright FXcuisine 2024 - all rights reserved.
If you do this recipe at home please let me know how it worked for you by submitting a comment or send me a picture if you can. Thanks!


  • #1
  • Comment by will
Hi, I think with all the tinkering you have been doing in your kitchen you failed to notice that a tree has grown in your living room!
  • FX's answer→ and I keep watering it!

  • #3
  • Comment by Stefan
This video is great! Love the music.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks it's my friend Louis Moreau who wrote it.

  • #5
  • Comment by Marloes
It looks gorgeous Francois. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.
  • FX's answer→ Yes thanks, unfortunately I did not manage to shoot a single nice still picture of this, the lighting was setup the opposite way.

OMG, that frying bread looks amazing! A wonderful dish! There's so much one can do with stale bread, so why throw it away. Food is too holy to be wasted...

A quality video with beaiutiful pictures and nice music! Very professional and pleasant!


  • FX's answer→ Rosa I am happy to see my progress with the video start to show a little, the music really makes a difference I guess.

  • #9
  • Comment by Xavier
A dessert for a Prince, a video fitted for the king. Amazing result as for the technical part and the artistical one. Nice depth of field by the way.

So bad I do not let a lot of bread to get dry. I think I will keep some on purpose.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, I worked for a good while on editing this one! DOF is achieved with a 60mm Nikkor lens @ f2.8

Lovely film, great quality, lovely kitchen, fun but professional presentation. Well done!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Astrid, glad you enjoyed it!

  • #13
  • Comment by Jill
Another lovely video, François. It's great to see you getting more confident in front of the camera. Bring it on!
  • FX's answer→ The confidence was always sort of there, but editing sound is really a killer, 5 tracks and I still hear sound problems all the way to the end! But progressing that we are!

  • #15
  • Comment by Ron
This video looks much better than the other ones. the sound and the editing works very good. love the bread old slicer
  • FX's answer→ Yes, it's a steep slope to climb, editing films, but we are getting there!

  • #17
  • Comment by Valmi
I was not enjoying the first videos as much as the articles, but this one is great. Patience pays off.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Valmi, and to encourage you on this path I even took an ugly still picture for this recipe!

  • #19
  • Comment by Tony H
Excellent, the chopping of the apples and the melting of the butter was a crack up....
  • FX's answer→ Thanks! I am slowly improving with the tv-chef-fast knife technique.

  • #21
  • Comment by Saxit
Amazing video, I love your humour. :)
I will have to try this dish too!
  • FX's answer→ And I kept myself in line with the jokes and cursing on this one!

  • #23
  • Comment by Katrine
Absolutely gorgeous!  Did you sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on the apples?  I saw you put something so was just checking.  You could also use raw sugar perhaps?  Will have to try this in apple season when we go apple picking and get some apple ice cider (another Quebec specialty) to go with it.....yummmm..Thanks for the inspiration.
  • FX's answer→ Yes a little lemon juice so the sliced apples wouldn't turn brown by the time we could film them! I did not add any voice over about this so as to not break the rythm, but clearly it wants an explanation. Shit, how did I not think of using raw sugar, that would have been terrific. Good point!

  • #25
  • Comment by Andy
Awesome video!! Your best yet. Really enjoyed that and will try the roesti, thanks!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, just make sure to use some good bread and you'll be in heaven with princes and swans!

Your production quality has gone straight up to beautiful! The music was perfectly matched with the cooking process. Your happiness sprinkles like the sugar on the Rosti.  I really enjoy your efforts!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, I really love Gottschalk and found that the music could match the action like in a silent film. And what else is there to say once the butter has melted?

  • #29
  • Comment by Paul Mckenna
Love it !
The video has improved markedly. I like the exterior shot with the swans.
The music is great and went well with the chopping sequence.
I am still a fan.

Paul Mckenna
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Paul, we must conclude that the recession is nasty if us Swiss are reduced to eating stale bread stolen from hungry swans!

  • #31
  • Comment by Ty
So far, I have enjoyed every video you have created.  But this one, has fully convinced me that your videos can be much, much better than your already exquisite photos.  Ain't life grande?
  • FX's answer→ Ty, that is so nice of you to say! Yes I always thought that with music and movement, there could be so much more in those moving pictures than in the stills, but this started to show only when music was thrown in the pan!

  • #33
  • Comment by Colin
I am a great fan, this dish looks delicious, I was thinking that you put it in a mold or something to give it some structure (for the Prince of course). Your video production quality is getting very strong. The editing at 00:41 happened very quickly and was a bit jerky, and then again at 00:50 you cut from "a delicious desert..." to "to cut it..." it was a bit fast and the words piled on top of each other a bit, you might pause between clips a bit just a thought. Other than those fine points I really enjoy your videos and the wisecracks you sprinkle throughout. Keep it up!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Colin, with your sharp eye now I know I did not spend those hours tweaking the editing in vain - somebody did notice! Well yes, "to cut it" starts abruptly and the level is not the same, I cut out several uuughs and aaaahs in that phrase to make it more snappy, but did not manage to conceal my crime - at least not to the trained eye of a professional!

    Next time I'll try to slip in more wisecracks, working on it!

  • #35
  • Comment by Groty
That was wonderful!  I LOL'd at the shot where the butter is melting and camera panned up to you grinning.  Very well done and that looks delicious!
  • FX's answer→ Yes, that worked fine with the music, didn't it?

  • #37
  • Comment by Michele
Wow, the quality of the videos and the setup are getting really, really good. It really allows your wonderful sense of humor to shine through. The music is a lovely touch. I'd love to see how you poach eggs, perhaps as part of a post-Easter eggstravaganza for instance with Eggs Benedict and Hollandaise?
  • FX's answer→ Michele, I must first get written permission from the cardiologist for Eggs in Hollandaise sauce but I have a plan for poached eggs on a healthier background for the Spring.

  • #39
  • Comment by James Campbell
Love your bread slicer. Can you tell us about it. Is it antique? Can it be used to slice deli? Would love to own one.  Good job with the video and your apple roesti looks so tasty.
  • FX's answer→ Yes I love my kitchen guillotine too! It must be 50-75 years old, designed for rather dense or dry bread. It does not cut very regular slices if your loaf is fresh, but works wonders with stale bread and baguette. I had to make some repairs on it as the German gentleman I bought it from had just placed it in a cardboard box and it came with all the screws loose. Thanks!

  • #41
  • Comment by Joel Cohen
I cannot find much in the way of praise..to add to what your followers have said. Your presentation improves consistently. (I think you remind me of the late great Peter Ustinov...the twinkle in the eye)
Cardiologist be damned, if you desire, I can share a recipe  for Hollandaise with a Tofu base. From one of Ming Tsao shows.
Last night I de-boned a chicken and made a galantine. I never would have tried if not for your inspiration. I thank you. PS...it ain't pretty..but you know next time will be better. Joel
  • FX's answer→ Ah Peter Ustinov, he lived a couple miles from here! Very nice to compare me to this gentleman. Geez, a galantine sounds like a really difficult endeavour, a bit like those Egyptian mummymakers who had to remove the brain from the head through the nose - not for beginners!

  • #43
  • Comment by W.C.
Francois - Love that slicer...a beautiful thing. As for the video, nicely done. Sadly, for me, I must enjoy silently since my co-workers may not appreciate you as much as I do. I'm afraid, at home, I avoid the computer altogether.

All the best,

  • FX's answer→ You must smuggle in a pair of headphones - the music and sound is half of the fun!

  • #45
  • Comment by Clare
very high quality video! You are such a personable host! thanks for the recipe!
  • FX's answer→ I'm even more personable in person, on the videos I need to repeat until the piece to camera is short and clear!

  • #47
  • Comment by chef4cook
The apple roesti looked very tasty! This was the best video production yet. The sound was excellent. Good job!
  • FX's answer→ Yes I worked hard on this one, glad you liked it!

  • #49
  • Comment by Tanya Melloul
Your zest for life and passion for food are contagious. I give you two thumbs up for your creativity and funny sense of humor. May you continue to delight and inspire people that come in contact with you.  Thank you so much for sharing your talent with everyone.
  • FX's answer→ Thank you Tanya! I hope to have more zest for life and to have more opportunities to crack tongue-in-cheek jokes in the future!

  • #51
  • Comment by Jason
A great dish that I will make. The whole production just gets better and better. Thank You!

  • FX's answer→ Jason I am glad you liked it!

  • #53
  • Comment by Boo
The production values of your videos have risen sharply! (and it was very good to start of with!) brilliant job, its seems very simple to make..
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, and it is just as easy as it looks!

  • #55
  • Comment by Jan
Very good improvement for the video, and very funny as usual! I'm an editor and I use Soundtrack Pro to mix sound (in combination with Final Cut Pro) in case you're wondering how to edit the sound with more ease. Though I thought it was fine!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Jan! I am using Soundbooth CS4 but still with the presets, my wireless Sennheiser lav does not give such a great voice, perhaps I can tweak it some more to improve it.

  • #57
  • Comment by Harlan Hokin
It's fun to see you experimenting with "silent movie" techniques.
  • FX's answer→ Yes I like Buster Keaton although I am hardly as flexible!

  • #59
  • Comment by Andrew
FX, the video looks great! The background music and the camera motion really bump it up a notch. Lovely!!
  • FX's answer→ Glad you noticed the camera motion, I got an Indislider, very nice and it does look bigger than usual video when the camera starts moving beyond tilt and pan, doesn't it?

  • #61
  • Comment by thuan
I like that you make use of an aged pan than a sparking virgin all-clad.  Fun bread slicer.  incredible video in all -- when should we expect to see you on the television?
  • FX's answer→ I love iron pans, my favorites really! Next time I'll use another one, hand forged huge thing. Television? Perhaps next year.

  • #63
  • Comment by NealL
Bravo FX!  Not only does the dish look wonderful but your confidence and editing skills are wonderful, and the lighting was great.  The dish appears to be a simple filling to a sweet pie (most popular here in the U.S.) with the addition of texture and flavor from stale bread and butter.  I also loved the bread slicer, very rustic!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks for your appreciation Neal! This is a self-contained dish, ideal for a hearty late afternoon collation or conforting evening meal. Make sure to get stale bread but fresh butter!

  • #65
  • Comment by Stefan
Hi FX,

this is my first comment, but i´m a long time reader of your site. I love the simplicity and the straight way you are doing things and besides that the state of the art tools you use in your kitchen. The video is perfectly nice done and i think you should go on with it. I laughed at the "silent movie" kind of style and adored the final product. I' m from germany and if you don't mind i will finish my comment in my native language.

FX, ich denke wir haben viel gemeinsam, was die Art betrifft an das Kochen heranzugehen. Ich denke es geht hauptsächlich um Autentizität und Leidenschaft. Natürlich aber auch um kompromisslos gute Lebensmittel. Ich liebe die Zubereitung von Speisen und ebenso das Essen mindestens genauso sehr wie du und wünsche dir viel Erfolg für alle kommenden Beiträge und Videos. Und ja nicht aufhören, denn wo könnte ich sonst meine Obsession für Essen und guten Geschmack ausleben, wenn es deine Seite nicht mehr geben würde.       

Beste Grüsse

  • FX's answer→ Herzlichen Dank Stefan, es freut mich, dass mein Film hat dir Spass gemacht!

FX, I've always been a fan- but this video takes the cake or should I say, the roesti (without potatoes of course)? I know the blog is about food, but you are adoreable!
  • FX's answer→ Does it steal the show? Thanks for your kind words!

  • #69
  • Comment by sharon
Yum! You're the best, FX.  So simple and I love the bread slicer.  Could I use pear brandy instead of prune?  Wonderful video!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Sharon, it took me a while to find this bread slicer, then restore it! Yes by all means you can use any type of noble fruit brandy (distilled directly by fermented fruits, not some crap made from beetroot-spirit and spices like Gin).

  • #71
  • Comment by HazelStone
  • FX's answer→ Thank you!

  • #73
  • Comment by cheryl
So, here's what I liked about the video.
And...you even did a location shot!!!
Martin Scorese, might want to start looking for another job!
Left me smiling from start to finish and...wanting to see sooo much more...
I loved that you tasted the finished product. Nice touch!
And, your eyes are utterly engaging. The subtle winks were...well, irresistible.
The addition of the music, ideal!
It couldn't have been a more perfect production.

  • FX's answer→ Maybe I can do a Scorsese-type butchery shot? Just joking. Thanks for your praise, I hope to do more and better in the future!

  • #75
  • Comment by Ingrid
Your Swiss Apple Roesti looks delicious and I will ry it!  Do you think that a few slivered almonds might be a good addition?  Still love your web site.
  • FX's answer→ Yes sometimes I use freshly cracked hazelnuts, but it is not really necessary for the taste unless you need extra calories.

  • #77
  • Comment by Donna Young
Francois, I watch SO many food tv shows and most are just cookie cutter—now that you are mastering your video technique, I think your videos are terrific! Truly unique, so enjoyable, and your personality really shines through. Keep up the good work—I look forward to my next food adventure with you!
P.S. I love that you use that old pan, I have one my Mom gave me and I use it to make grilled cheese in—everyone laughs at it, but I know it makes the perfect sandwich maybe it will work well with apple rosti, too!!!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks a lot for your kind words Donna! I got this pan from Jean Duclous, the legendary chef at Greuze in Tournus, an 80-year-old resistant fighter (the real deal I'm told) who learned his trade from Alexandre Dumaine, the most famous chef in France in his days.

Mon très cher FX, votre video est vraiment delicieux! From the swans, through the excellent choice of music,  to your sly invocation of conscience with the butter (that's the reason I can never make a really decent tortilla española-- can't get myself to use the proper amount of oil!), it is perfect. I have only one question: how many pink shirts do you own?
  • FX's answer→ Maria I am glad you liked it! I own as many pink shirts as kitchen knives. One of the reasons I always sport one in the videos is continuity. The swan scene was shot on a different day and with a different shirt, but being pink, you don't really notice it. In some TV shows shot over several days but intercut, you can see the anchor changing hair, glasses, clothing and more within seconds and it doesn't make for a smooth viewing experience, methink.

  • #81
  • Comment by Shu
I can see you have a very large conscience!
Is the bread supposed to be crisp after you fry it or remain soggy from all that butter?
  • FX's answer→ Stale bread cannot turn soggy unless you soak it in a water-based liquid I think. If you fry it in hot butter it definitely stays crispy although not rock-hard any more!

  • #83
  • Comment by Laura D.
You must have a very clear conscience, because that was quite a large piece of butter.

The videos are getting better all the time.  The sound on this one was much higher quality, and yes, music really does make a big difference.  I might start to appreciate these videos almost as much as I do the stills.  Almost.
  • FX's answer→ Indeed I have the appetite of the Just. Let me work on the "almost" some more then!

  • #85
  • Comment by Sebastian
It's... beautiful. Simply beautiful. I think this is the most aesthetically pleasing video capture of someone preparing a meal I have ever seen - the lighting sets a very nice mood and the food closeups are just as fantastic as your pictures were before.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Sebastian! I hope to get even better closeups in the future, have a new lens for this.

  • #87
  • Comment by Gary V
This is a quantum leap in video production!  Truely awesome, almost TV quality.  (In style and editing)  And I love how you just eat it out of the pan at the end!  
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Gary! Initially I had planned the hero shot to be shot from above with 4 hands dipping into the saucepan placed on a table, in the style of high pastures chalet meals.

  • #89
  • Comment by meramarina
We the Readers said that it couldn't be done. OK, you win.  Very good video!  But where is this Principality of Worthy Food of which you so often speak?  

That was so much more than two tablespoons of sugar . . . I like it.

The music lends much drama to a simple dish; it establishes a light, entertaining ambiance and a sophisticated, yet playful tone, even as it hesitates at times, to suggest a sense of complexity and tension, i.e., butter-sliding scene . . . oh, no, no no. . . . just too much . . .

Viewer Beware:  A slight misreading of your instructions: "melt as as much butter as consciousness allows. . .

And the end result was, literally, hair-raising !

Now, that Prince gets too much good food!  Throw some to the commoners!  That would make a funny scene, you tossing food out to a crowd of FXcuisine fans!
  • FX's answer→ Yes in fact we get many visiting princes in the Swiss Alps, and often they like our simple, rustic cuisine more than lobsters and truffles. I am glad that you finally agree that the music and movement brings a little something beyond what photos can do!

  • #91
  • Comment by Jenny
What an amazing video! oh potatoes... You are too funny! I love the simplicity of your recipe. Its ever so annoying when you have to buy an entire new pantry of ingredients just for one dish or go hunting for specific ingredients that you've never heard of. Cannot wait for the next video!
  • FX's answer→ Glad that you liked it across the globe too! Now this is hard for the next video I need music that is a bit expensive to use (a fast Misirlou) but if we can get the rights then you might like it too - I hope.

  • #93
  • Comment by Rob
Hi francois, I love your site - great recipes and the videos keep getting better.  one thing: it would be great if you included cooking times in your commentary or separately in the posting; it's always helpful to know - even roughly - where we're going with the recipe.  other than that everything is great!  PS tomorrow I am going to make your pea soup recipe - I got a nice smoked ham hock from my butcher and am very excited!
  • FX's answer→ Good point Rob, I have to write these down and include them in the recipes in the future. Have fun with the pea soup!

  • #95
  • Comment by Beshaba
Le raffinement imaginatif de cette video est délicieux. Les desserts au pain ont remonté dans l'estime d'au moins un de vos fans. Bravo pour la musique si bien choisie et qui s'accorde à la seconde près à la recette.
  • FX's answer→ Merci Diane, et oui j'ai bien travaillé sur la synchronisation de cette musique bien sympathique (Souvenir d'Andalousie de Louis-Moreau Gottschalk, un compositeur de la Nouvelle Orléans mais de culture française). Bientôt d'autres plats au pain rassis!

  • #97
  • Comment by Burke Ferrari

There were people who expressed concern at your desire to move to more video, I think you've answered all of those critics with this delightful posting.  

From the intial set-up with the geese, to the amount of butter to add, your style and humor really shone through.

Bravo to Louis for the score as well!

Well done Francois!

  • FX's answer→ Thanks Burke, my stills' goose is cooked I guess!

  • #99
  • Comment by Snowpea
I think this is your best video yet! The montage, the mix of camera angles, the music, and even your own presentation. You just keep getting better and better. And that bread guillotine was a hoot.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, I'm working on this and glad it shows!

  • #101
  • Comment by Nikki
Hello FX - well done on the video!  I echo everyone's sentiments regarding the filming, your humor and the music.  Just out of curiosity though - if you were ever offered a show on, say, a Food Network-type of deal, would you actually do that?  You have such a wonderful personality and a love for what you do... and it shows so much, whether it's written, photographed or filmed.  It would not surprise me in the least if you are (or already have been) offered something on that order.

And for the fellow that watches you from work (but silently):  Take it from a hard-of-hearing person - get yourself a pair of headphones.  FX is worth every decibel.  ;)
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Nikki! Yes, as long as I could co-produce it, that would be a great project!

  • #103
  • Comment by Alexander Lapeyre
Congratulations on a marvelous transition to video. You have the gift of both a still and moving eye. The video conveyed not only the focused beauty of the food but the video adds the musical witticism of a true food virtuoso.

  • FX's answer→ Thanks a lot Alexander, glad you liked it!

  • #105
  • Comment by barbara
Reminds me of my mother's Apple Charlotte - same ingredients, apart from the alcohol (but the Charlotte has to be baked). I was glad to see you slowed down your chopper when you got close to your fingers!
  • FX's answer→ But Barbara, on the contrary, I accelerated when my fingers got close!

I was irrationally afraid to watch your videos since you started with your new medium.  I think that I enjoyed your writing so much that I thought that the video would subtract from my pleasure in reading your essays.

But I was wrong!  You are as delightful in "life" as you are in the printed word.  Thank you for your inspirational cooking adventures.  Your artistry translates as well in motion as it does through words and photographs.

  • FX's answer→ Well I am glad you overcame your videophobia and gave me a chance to convince you! I think indeed spoken words, music and moving images make for a more powerful medium than still pictures.

  • #109
  • Comment by Sara
Dearest Francois,

What delightful musical accompaniment for the Roesti! I had never heard of Gottschalk before, and he is New World at that.

Also bravo for using such a large chunk of butter. I have never been shy about using butter, or for jealously hoarding my bacon drippings. Thank you for these wonderful videos!
  • FX's answer→ And butter is made of a lot of water, much lighter by weight than oil!

  • #111
  • Comment by Raoul
FX - Love the video, particularly the HD quality and the editing. What type of camera are you using for the video ?

  • FX's answer→ Thanks Raoul, glad you liked it! We use a Sony EX3 with a Letus Ultimate adapter and Nikon and Zeiss lenses. This gives the small depth of field and light grain - I love it.

  • #113
  • Comment by Monica
Dear Francois,
Always look forward to reading your posts, seeing you 'perform' is so much nicer! Thanks for such an entertaining and scrumptious video,I could almost smell the aroma. Will definitely try the roesti.A bientot.
  • FX's answer→ Well thanks for your kind words from Malta! I think you could tweak this recipe to use some local fruits as well, cherries would work really well.

  • #115
  • Comment by celso
Hi, FX, congratulations! You've been a time out in a looking for ways to increase the quality of your videos, and now we all can see how your effort was worthwhile. And as always, very nice sense of humour...
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Celso, I thought this one had no joke in it, but hey, can't help being funny I guess!

  • #117
  • Comment by Mary Sanavia
Wow!!!! your first videos were good, but this one is amazing! you have improved so much!!!! I hope you will delight us with many more.(I love all your hard-to-find gadgets!)
  • FX's answer→ Many more intriguing cooking appliances to come in the future - no worry!

  • #119
  • Comment by Torey
Always look forward to your work. You're elevating the conversation and helping us to see everyday things for the beauty they possess. And it's fun.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks a lot, indeed there is so much beauty and poetry immanent to things around us, even humble ingredients in a kitchen! I am glad you can see things through my eyes.

  • #121
  • Comment by Luci
Great job, once again FX :)
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Luci! What do you do at the FAS if I may ask?

  • #123
  • Comment by Eva
Making me miss Bern CH in the fall and especially the Basler Brot which would make this dish most yummy. You should go to the Zibelemärit in Bern which will take place on November 23 this year to record for your site. Fun, pretty and yummy!
  • FX's answer→ Good idea, I always wanted to visit the Bernese Onion Market!

Brilliant work, dedicated fan base. I enjoy your website immensely.  I wouldn't fret too much about the editing. Editing video, for timing purposes, won't enrich your personal experience or your passions for technique, tools and the people you share them with. Having successfully created an atmosphere, which your readers recognize, with music, lighting and camera angles I'd continue making videos and find a video editor to send the footage. All the best!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Kate, in fact I really like editing video despite all the work. The Cohen brothers edit all their movies and they certainly can afford to hire editors! It also helps shoot once you know what you need for editing. But for sound - well I might follow your advice...

  • #127
  • Comment by Utkun
Hi Francois,
Congragulations. I see your videos are getting much much better. I loved the swan intro, lovely music and of course the woody allen style intro. I wonder if you have inspired from his movies or not but I liked it a lot.
The only thing that caught my attention is very quick change of scenes. It can be very disturbing while watching.
For example at 00.40, you show the bread for less then a second and changed the scene again. I think if we can still hear your voice while watching the closer look of ingredients, it would be perfect. Same happens at 00.50 too.
Oh, I almost forgot about the dish. Some dishes can be very easy to make and can still be much more delicious then the hard ones. This one looks like one of these and I am willing to try it soon :)
  • FX's answer→ Thanks for visiting Utkun, and I hope all is well for you in Turkey! I like Woody Allen but only saw a handful of his movies. Which part of my little film did you think looks like it's been inspired by him? You are right with the close-up cutaway with the bread, it is far too short. The cause was poor filming - we shoot close up separately, and the hands don't match the master shot in the rest of that clip, so I cut it very short, which is no good solution either. Must work of continuity and acting! Have fun with this recipe if you try it and please give my very best regards to your father and his good friend!

A delightful episode!  Not only for the food, which makes my mouth water,  but for sharing the genuine enjoyment of the chef.    :)
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Quinn!

  • #131
  • Comment by Axel
Congrats. These simple dishes are the best and most satisfying. Reminds me of my youth near Stuttgart in the 50's. As a kid, we considered it a delicacy to have hot cocoa and fresh rolls (dunked in it) on a Saturday morning. Other simple dishes come to mind such as potatoes and real fresh quarg, Semmelknoedel, sliced and fried the next day in butter, elderberries coated with a simple pancake mix and fried and the best of all, real fresh unpasteurized cream straight from the farmer to be used for salad dressings.
  • FX's answer→ Sounds like great memories, Axel! Have you tried Kaiserscharren? Very popular in Bayern.

  • #133
  • Comment by Mitchell
That looks VERY tasty, though I usually only use regular cooking oil and never butter for health reasons. Is there a reason why instead of a Teflon pan, you are using a regular pan?

  • FX's answer→ Mitchell, I really don't like Teflon pans all that much as my interest in cooking is as much aesthetic as culinary. This being a rustic dish where the bread needs to be browned, an iron pan really works well here. But if you can heat up your Teflon pan high enough, it should work fine too!

  • #135
  • Comment by Joan
Great, great video! Keep doin' it at this high level!
Just one question, do you leave the apple since it is completely soft?
Thanks a lot!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Joan! Well it depends if you like them to retain some bite or prefer the apples to go really soft - your choice really!

  • #137
  • Comment by Fiona
you are so cute when you smile~~ :P
  • FX's answer→ Yes fortunately I smile all the time!

  • #139
  • Comment by Luke
Wow. You're really going all-out with your hobby, and it shows. You've got a lot more zest and passion than most TV chefs out there.

Beyond that, the use of stale bread slices in a desert dish is pretty interesting to me. I never heard of anyone doing that before. Do you know any other recipes that do that, off the top of your head?
  • FX's answer→ Indeed! In fact I have loooots of recipes using stale bread, often to very good effect. This was the most common way of eating bread for centuries - stale bread. We think fresh bread is the way to go because we can afford to bake it every morning, and consider stale bread to be food for the swans, but the swans are smarter than us!

  • #141
  • Comment by Luke
To be sure, I meant deserts that rely on sliced stale bread. I've only ever used stale bread for toasting (like for, say, a bruschetta) or for making into breadcrumbs. I mean, I never thought to slice it and put it into a sweet sauce like I would with sweet dumplings.

This is definitely a recipe I'll consider trying soon. Thanks for sharing it, and thanks for giving us such a wonderful video showing how to make it.
  • FX's answer→ This recipe won't disappoint you! Of course French toast, hardly a sexy recipe, is also based on slices of stale bread or brioche, at least in the original French version. More on that later!

  • #143
  • Comment by Emma
Good recipe! I loved your OLD GUILLOTINE! where can I find one? Antique Shop in Switzerland?
  • FX's answer→ No, EBAY, keyword Brotschneider.

  • #145
  • Comment by Marc
François, my most sincere congratulations for this video. You seem to have the natural ability to entertain and I am really happy to see that this entertainment, which first showed in the written reports, is now seamlessly carried into your videos.  

I have been enjoying your website for some time as I like your spontaneous and pleasant good food approach that is non-commercially driven.

Thank you very much and best regards,

  • FX's answer→ Marc, thanks a lot for your encouraging comments! Yes I am not pitching a restaurant nor plugging a miracle mixer, a nice break from other food-centered publications I guess. We shot loads of stuff recently but still many bits and pieces are missing before they can be up for your enjoyment. Patience!

Francois, the quality of the video is excellent. I like the cut-aways, the close-ups the details, the music, everything! Bravo my friend!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks a lot, you seem to be conversant not only with fine cooking but also with video terms! Thanks for your kind praise!

  • #149
  • Comment by don siranni
Francois,like others,I'm also converted to the videos-but,the stills really might still to be included with the presentation. Is there a particular reason the length of video is limited?If not,I'd enjoy an addendum directed to some specific technique not commonly known,maybe how to make my half dozen old iron pans work without sticking or how to fry sausage-with water,dry or added grease,etc.I have trouble with this.Or steak grilling.Or...
  • FX's answer→ Don, you mean the video ought to be longer or that you cannot play it until the end (with the rolling recipe white on black on the screen)? I am working on longer videos now, 15-20 minutes, but for the web it is waaaay too long.

  • #151
  • Comment by lynn
Hi FX--
well, it appears that you are beginning to master the video format.  I enjoyed the introduction with the swans, the background music, and your sript, such as, 'the largest piece of butter your conscience will allow'!  I loved seeing your well-used pan and your bread guillotine as well.


Oh, and the recipe looked pretty good too.  Easy for when you don't have much in the house for dessert.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Lynn, hold on for more videos!

  • #153
  • Comment by cookery
"Use as much butter as your conscience will allow."
Great job FX!  You really nailed this one!
  • #154
  • Comment by Laszlo
Hey FX

I am old visitor on this site.
I was kind of bussy and did not had time check out your site and this is the first time when I check out a video from you and I must say YOU HAVE AN AMAZING STYLE. :-)
The way you speak, you must have in you a lot of verbal heritage from all around the world. :-)
You are a true wizzard. :-)
Hi!  I have been reading your site for a while now, the content is awesome as are the pics and videos!
I just want to say that your cutting/slicing machine blew me away!
I wish I had one like that!  I have a hand operated one as well (50 years old or so) but mine is nothing
compared to yours!  Awesome.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Bart, indeed I do take a lot of care in selecting my kitchen accessories and was very pleased with this one, but there are really many, many very similar "Brotschneider" on Ebay.de, they don't command a very high price so I'm confident that with a little searching you'll get yourself just the same - or better!

  • #157
  • Comment by James K
I really enjoyed cooking this up for my friends in the middle of the night. We all enjoyed it very much! Although I melted too much butter and the bread went little soggy... That always seems to be problem, isn't it? I and my conscience will surely be ready next time!

Cheers from Australia.
  • FX's answer→ Ain't the Internet grand? From Switzerland to Australia in one click. Perhaps your bread should have been more stale, or you might increase the temperature when frying so that it turns seriously golden brown. Hot butter won't make the bread soggy but the brandy or water released by the apples might - anyway, I hope you guys had a good time! Cooking this up for friends in the middle of the night really is in line with the spirit of the dish, farmers here would cook this up when coming back soooo tired from their work in the mountains, and cook something fast with available ingredients, without having planned or "shopped" for it beforehand.

  • #159
  • Comment by aj the garlic hearted
Tart and Sweet, music to my ears. Apple Roesti, who would have thought a dish so wonderful was so easy to prepare...have we no apples, stale sourdough ?  One can find various forms of "Roesti", in the Canton of New Glarus, Wisconsin....a special place Southwest of Madison....a place where deserts dance on the balconies for the tourists below....to heck with the rain, tornadoes and train derailments hereabout, lets get busy in the kitchen...Happy Father's Day to us dude's.
Hola Francois and friends of the warm plate.
  • #160
  • Comment by walter slamer
Dear FX, where have you gone? The best food site on the net needs you!

Take care,

This is just the greatest dessert...economic, quickly prepared, fresh and, need I mention, delicious. Quelle bonheure! My wife and I enjoyed this three nights in a row! We ran out of stale bread!
  • FX's answer→ Alan you made my day! I thought we were the only ones to enjoy the simplicity of this fried stale bread and apples, glad to hear you guys share my enthusiasm. You can also make this with cherries if you find a neighbor you can borrow stale bread from!

  • #163
  • Comment by alistair
looking forward to the new videos!
  • #164
  • Comment by Mr Sheath
Cute! I want to be like you when I grow up LOL
  • FX's answer→ I hope you don't get as big as me though!

  • #166
  • Comment by don siranni
Francois,I've made this several times,than got adventrous and followed the spice extras exactly.  It was good but I needed to double my normal prilosec dose,but it was worth it as I was suprised at the number of women flirting on the bus next morning.  I just may try the combination again.   Don
That comment, "place as large a piece of butter as your conscience will allow" made me laugh out loud.  I love cooking with a sense of humor, and I also love how educational your articles are!  I hope you don't mind if I feature your blog on my blog as well; there are a ton of popular food blogs here in the US but I think people ought to know more about yours as well!
Oh if only we could find such wonderful bread here, I might have to learn to make it myself, then let it get stale just to try this desert!  I'm not getting any work done while I thoroughly enjoy your productions!  Keep it up.
  • #169
  • Comment by Endless
simple quick and delicious.

but... just do it as I say.

soak the white of bread with low-fat milk. let it stand for enough time to tear out the white.

in mixing bowl(electric!) put the teared white, a tablespoon butter(or coconut milk) coarsely diced apple with some brandy or marsala.
just bring them to the 2 minutes' blending with couple of intervals.
Fold this mixture with sultan raisin or cranberries

re-fill the bread with the mixture let them freeze in 2 hours to be hardened.

Then slice the loaf to bake at 210 or more degrees in few minutes with sprinkles of cinnamon(if no cranberries) or gragulated black sugar.

you must have it.

  • FX's answer→ Thanks for your recipe!

  • #171
  • Comment by James Reid
fxcuisine.com's done it once more. Great article!
I've made this twice now, as well as some of your other dishes... hope you don't mind if I borrow some of your talent to impress my girlfriend!
My mother will kill me for this.. but do it anyway!

‎2 onions, diced, olive oil, FRESH cilantro and basil leaves, brown in a large pot and deglaze with water three times. 80/20 ground beef, 1 lb, 3 anchovy fillets, more oregano and basil, browned in a separate pan, add to the onions. Hot Italian sausage, 1 lb, remove skins, brown in the pan with the fat from the beef. Deglaze with 1/2 cup of whatever alcohol is handy - red wine is best, brandy is acceptable if that's what you have to do. Pour into the pot. Add a cup of tomato paste, stir until evenly distributed, cook until just on the edge of charring, then add a large can of crushed tomatos and a large can of tomato puree. Add four stems of oregano leaves, stir, add two large cans of water. Add the following: 1/3 cup sea salt, 1/3 cup sugar, six cloves garlic, crushed and sliced very thin, and five fresh tomatoes sliced into quarters.

Let the mix stew for three hours, then remove the fresh tomatoes.  Smash them up thoroughly, add the liquid to the pot.  Remove the the oregano stems. Start boiling the mix down by a couple of inches. Overcook some pasta, strain - toss the pasta and keep the water. Boil this down until you've got a couple cups of very starchy water, add this to the sauce for to give it a silky consistency. Simmer for another four hours at a minimum. Enjoy!
like all the best desserts this one appears to be quick to make and relatively inexpensive. Thank you for sharing it with us!
This looks sooo delicious.  And easy to make.  I will have to try this soon. I think my kids will love it.  Thanks for sharing this great looking recipe
  • FX's answer→ Thanks and good luck!

  • #177
  • Comment by gricko
Who is this guy, I want to marry him!! :)
  • #178
  • Comment by malini
Hi,am new to foreign food and tried this recipe.And it came out well.
Just want to confirm,is there any substitute for prunebrandy?
I added grape juice instead.Wanto to confirm if there are any substitute.
That does look declious and so colorful! Bread make everything better!
  • #180
  • Comment by lexapro
Great post I must say. Simple but yet interesting and engaging. Keep up a good work!

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