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Bubble gum ice cream

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This ice cream by Alain Ducasse is flavoured by the king of the French bubble-gums, the Malabar.

I was finishing lunch at Alain Ducasse's Spoon and Wine restaurant in Paris when the waiter brought some ice cream - the day's special. I took a spoonful in and nearly coughed. Such an intense taste. So familiar. But what was it? I had a friend take a bite and we pondered for 15 minutes. Finally my friend said, 'It tastes like Malabar on steroids'. The waiter confirmed. 'But how do you get the taste, you buy some liquid from the factory?'. The waiter explained they cooked actual bubble gums in milk for an entire night at a very low temperature.

I know bubble gum does not sound like too much of a gastronomic ingredient, but if Ducasse used it, it must be good enough for me, right? Armed with this culinary excuse I started looking for a recipe.

Here is the one I found, it works great, you do not have to cook it for an entire night and I'm confident it will work with other bubble gums. But try it with the malabars if you can, they are made by Cadbury France and have been a hit since 1958. And the French are very particular about their food.

Take 70 grams of Malabar bubble gums or about 10 Malabars.

Remove the papers (really). You can cut them in little cubes to get more flavor, or put more Malabars.

Mix a cup (240ml) of cream with a cup (240ml) of milk in a saucepan, and bring to the boil.

Remove from the fire and add the bubble gum. Leave for 10 minutes or longer if the taste is not strong enough.

Pass the liquid through the finest mesh you have. You don't want any pieces of melted chewing gum in your ice cream!

In a stainless bowl mix 5 egg yolks with 120 grams white sugar.

Whisk the mixture until fluffy.

Pour the filtered bubble gum-milk-cream mix into the egg-sugar mix, beating constantly.

Put back on the stove and heat gently until you reach 85°C or the mixture become thick but not solid. It is imperative that you beat the mixture during the entire process and that it does not boil, otherwise you'll end up with a solid flan.

Let the mixture cool, then put in the fridge until it's very cold. Don't put in the freezer though. Start your ice cream machine and pour the cool mixture in the bowl.

Stop the machine when the ice cream is thick. Transfer to in a container and put in the freezer.

That's it! You could also add some red food coloring to go from yellow to pink. The ice cream is delicious and very pleasant to most guests. Don't tell them how it's made before they taste it otherwise all they'll taste is their prejudice.



  • #1
  • Comment by Emi
Hello,I've been browsing through your site for the past hour or so, and after bookmarking it there's one last thing I wanted to to: congratulate you for it. It's just great! The recipes are unique and fabulous and I can't wait to try them! Plus they do for me something that these days happens less and less often: they inspire me and offer endless variation possibilities, and many ways to kick the mundane out the kitchen door. I'm looking forward to see your next dish!
  • #2
  • Answered by fx
Emi thanks a lot for your comment! I am so glad to hear that my recipes inspired a fellow home chef. Good luck and let me know how you fared!
  • #3
  • Comment by Lisa
Hi there,What a great surprise to find one lonely recipe for my kids' favorite ice cream from back home.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the amount of cream and milk can be correct for 5 egg whites.  I weighed the sugar, so I'm not sure how much it translated into my American measurements.  This may have also been the case w/ the liquids.  You wrote 27ml and 1/2 cup but 1/2 of an American cup doesn't equal 27ml and it's certainly not very much liquid.  In your picture, you seem to end up w/ a fair amount of yummy ice cream.  I ended up w/ about 1 1/2 American cups.  Any clarification you might be able to offer would be wonderful.  Thank you again for the wonderful posting and the wonderful pictures!!!!  My kids are about to be the happiest kids in their new homeland. (I hope:-))All the best,Lisa
  • #4
  • Answered by fx
Lisa indeed there was a typo which I now corrected. I'm very sorry and hope the recipe worked for you!
  • #5
  • Comment by Heidi
Thanks so much for the Bubble Gum Ice Cream Recipe.  We made it today with Bubble Yum Bubble Gum and the flavor is terrific.  We added slight food coloring and gumballs to ours as a mix-in and the kids loved it.  The only part we had a bit of a problem with was the straining of the cream/milk and gum reduction sauce--it stuck in the strainer and was really hard to get out of the strainer after 3-4 scrubbings.  The taste is great and the presentation is festive--THANKS AGAIN.
  • #6
  • Answered by fx
Heidi I'm glad your kids loved my bubble-gum ice cream! You are right, boiled bubble-gum does indeed stick very much to the strainer. Try to dip the strainer into a pot of boiling water to remove them.
  • #7
  • Comment by andy
I'm eating my batch right now. I must have done something wrong or gotten my conversions wrong cause it definitely does not taste like bubble gum. I cant tell what it tastes like but it's good. Part of the problem might have been that I let it boil while trying to get it to 85C. It also could have been the bubble gum I used. I tried super bubble but I will have to try heidi's suggestion on gum choice. Anyway thanks for the recipe I will succeed next time!
  • #8
  • Answered by fx
Andy I am most sorry to hear your bubble gum ice cream did not work! From what you tell me, I think there are two possible problems: first you need to use enough of the right bubble gum. The point is to extract the gum's flavor and my directions to the quantity apply only to the Cadbury's 'Malabar'. You may need to add more gums. Taste as they infuse in the milk and add some more if needed. Second problem is the custard you make by heating the egg yolks in the milk. If you did see it boil the egg yolks can only have coagulated, resulting in relatively unappetising chewy egg bits. I recommend the book 'The Making of a Cook' by an American powerlady who has the best explanation of how to do this I have ever seen. I am glad to hear you plan to do this again and still had good fun. Good luck for next time then!
  • #9
  • Comment by Mishali Patel
Hi. I really wanted to try your recipe out. I was curious to know what alternative bubblegums can be used. That's if you've tested others out. I'm from the U.K and Malabar is close to impossible to obtain. Do you think Bazooka bubblegum would work?
  • #10
  • Answered by fx
Mishali, thanks for visiting. Absolutely, you do this with Bazooka bubble gums or any other gums you like the flavor of. If not sure, just infuse your favorite gum in hot milk, filter and taste. That's going to be the taste of your ice cream.
  • #11
  • Comment by Shona
I would just like to say thanks so much for putting this recipie and instructions up .. I live in the UK and we have more minty tasting bubblegums that sweet ones .. But ill find one .. Im off to buy the ingredients now and ill eat tonight as im having some friends over and I know they'll love it! Thanks again .
Shona x
  • #12
  • Answered by fx
Shona, good luck in your hunt for bubble gums! Probably your local deli or some kids with a sweet tooth can give you up-to-date information about the best candies to use!
  • #13
  • Comment by Kerri
For me this article was tough.  I couldn't just print the instructions because the photos were mixed in.  It was not formatted like a real recipe with a list of ingredients, then, to top it off, this is how it ended for me:  "It is imperative that you beat the mixture during the ePublished 19/09/2006 / 22357 views "   yeah,... thats helpful!  What happened to the rest of the instructions?!?
  • #14
  • Answered by fx
Kerri, FXcuisine.com caught the Chinese flu yesterday but now all articles are back online!
  • #15
  • Comment by babeth
Un vrai délice ... à consommer avec modération.
Seul hic comment retirer le chewing-gum restant au fond de la casserole ???
Merci pour la recette.
  • FX's answer→ Fais-y bouillir de l'eau et tout partira!

  • #17
  • Comment by chaz
hey, i cant find the "malabars" anywhere, so instead i used hubba bubba gum

on my first try, i by accedent put it the egg white and the egg yolk, so the icecream came out hard :/

im making it again, 2da, i now know what to do, i hope its soft this time! :)
  • #18
  • Comment by ñaño
I realize that this is very old article, so you likely won't get this comment. But I just had to say that I've been eating bubble gum ice-cream since I was five and absolutely love it. It's a popular flavor here in Ecuador and you can find it in most ice cream shops with tiny bits of candy coated bubble gum. Alain Ducasse probably discovered it from visiting Ecuador or Mexico.
  • #19
  • Comment by Elise
I have finally found a decent bubble gum ice-cream recipe....one problem. What happens if you don't own a ice-cream maker, anything else you can use?
I really want to make this recipe, as i'm dying to try homemade bubble gum ice-cream!
  • #20
  • Comment by Jessica
I made this using double bubble gum while I wait for my friend to ship me Malabar gum from the UK. My issue is the gum stuck to everything. My pot, my spatuala, and my strainer. I'm having a heck of a time getting it all off. I saw your recommendation about boiling water, I still seem to have some issue. Was me letting it seep for 20 minutes a bad idea? I like the idea of using gum to flavor instead of gum flavor (if that makes sense), but the mess is super annoying. On the flip side, I have not made it into ice cream yet but the color was good and adding a few dabs of icing color (pink) made it electric and fantastic looking. Bubble gum ice cream is available in my old home town in So. Cal but I have never found it on the east coast in stores. Thank you!
  • #21
  • Comment by brooklyn ice cream lover
I know this an old article, but I have to tell you thank you so much -- I wanted to make bubble gum ice cream & this is one of the few recipes I found.  I used Bazooka Joe & made it for a 6year old birthday party -- the taste is so unbelievably primal, kids & adults adored it.  Thank you!
  • #22
  • Comment by Sue
Dear FX,
I just found out about your website while searching for the perfect crêpe.  I feel sad knowing that there are no new posts from you.  Hope everything is well with you.
Thanks for this wonderful website.
  • FX's answer→ Everything is indeed well just too busy for updating the blog but now I am back.

  • #24
  • Comment by Anonymous
While I'm sure your recipe tastes delicious, processed food contain additives that may turn into POISON upon heating. Take a look at the ingredient list on your bubblegum wrapper. I'm sure you'll find a whole concoction of chemicals there, all of which have the potential of turning into something nasty on contact with heat.

If you don't believe me, think about it. Why do chocolate manufacturers produce "baking chocolate" and not tell you to grab any chocolate bar off the shelf? It's because chocolate bars also contain additives that may turn into poison when baking. That's why they sell you "baking chocolate" (pure chocolate without additives) for heating purposes.
  • FX's answer→ OK

Text-only version printed from http://FXcuisine.com/default.asp?Display=12 - visit the online version to see many gorgeous pictures of this recipe!
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