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Ginger Allspice Banana Fritters

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If you are not afraid of deep-frying these gorgeous fritters are for you. They can be prepared in minutes and are great both for tea or breakfast.

This great Indian recipe is always a big success. All you need is to mix three ingredients, add some spice and plunge in the hot oil. It makes a terrific breakfast or a memorable treat with a strong-tasting tea such as chai or a powerful black tea. Try it!


Ginger-Allspice Banana Fritters
1 cup peeled ripe bananas
1 cup rice flour
1/2 cup jaggery or muscovado sugar
grated ginger to taste
3 freshly ground allspice berries


Mash your bananas with a fork.


Grate the ginger.


Cut or pound the sugar.


Mix ingredients until you can't see the flour. You don't want a smooth batter - lumps of banana or sugar are normal.

Prepare a deep fryer and heat to 170C°.


Scoop a large tablespoon of batter with a spoon and drop it carefully in the oil with the help of another spoon. Continue until you don't have space to add more in the fryer without risking the fritters touching each other.

Fry until nicely brown.


drop on dry paper towel and pat them dry. Serve hot!

You could also omit the spice or add some rhum or even a pinch of chili. Baking powder is useless as the batter turns out a smooth, hot paste. Some people add as much sugar as banana but I think it's too sweet.


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If you do this recipe at home please let me know how it worked for you by submitting a comment or send me a picture if you can. Thanks!


yum .... banana fritter with coconut
  • #2
  • Comment by Angelo
Just tried this recipe out but used nutmeg instead of ginger and allspice and my kids loved it. Could you do me a small favor though? Next time could you include in your recipes an approximation of how many persons it will serve, i.e. "a single recipe will make 4 servings" or something like that, that way I know if I've followed things right? Thank you and keep on posting. This is the most intelligent cooking website/blogsite that I've ever read.
  • #3
  • Answered by fx
Angelo I apologize, this was my 34th article and since then I try to include non-metric units and approximate yield. This being said these fritters are so good that they'll be gone in no time no matter how many people are in attendance!
  • #4
  • Comment by Rick
Hi Francois,

I made this recipe tonight for dessert. Delicious!

  • FX's answer→ Rick, glad to hear back from you, these fritters are indeed right up your alley!

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