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Pasta alla Norma - Pasta en Serio

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Pasta alla Norma, una combinación divina de berenjenas, jitomates, albahaca y ricotta, es una de las recetas sicilianas más elegantes.  ¡Un verdadero clásico que es todo un culto!

Fácil de hacer y a la vez lo suficientemente elegante para ser el plato principal en una cena formal, la Pasta alla Norma era tan popular en el siglo XIX que debe su nombre a la opera Norma , la sensacionalmente exitosa ópera de Bellini, el compositor siciliano, para renidr homenaje tanto a la pasta como a la ópera, cuya perfección era equivalente, a los ojos de Nino Martoglio, un famoso director de teatro siciliano.  El nombre se le quedó.

Mira lo emocionante que es esta ópera dándote el gusto de escuchar casta diva, el aria más famosa de Norma, cantada por Maria Callas en 1958.  Un plátillo más que adecuado para recibir a los amantes de la ópera - idealmente, les debes deleitar con una versión rara de Norma en CD o DVD y se irán satisfechos con tus credenciales de conocedor impecable.

Pero la Pasta alla Norma no es sólo para los aficionados a la ópera.  Es un platillo inmensamente popular en Sicilia.  Por ejemplo, en Il ladro di merendine, la novela siciliana de 1995 de la que te platiqué en mi artículo Pasta con i broccoli, el inspector Montalbano visita a una vieja mama que había sido testigo de una desaparición.  Cuando lo invita a quedarse a comer, Montalbano trata de declinar hasta que escucha el menú: 

"'¿No se queda a comer conmigo?"
Montalbano sintió un nudo en el estómago.  La Señora Clementina era dulce y agradable, pero probablemente vivía de semolina y papas cocidas. 
"De hecho, tengo tanto que hacer ..."
"Pina, el ama de llaves, es una cocinera excelente, creáme.  Ha hecho Pasta alla Norma, ya sabe, la que lleva berenjena y ricotta salata."
"Jesus!" dijo Montalbano, volviéndose a sentar.
"Y le sigue una res estofada"
"Jesus!" repitió Montalbano.

El concepto es simple; pasta con berenjenas fritas en una salsa de jitomate, salpicada de albahaca fresca y ricotta.  Y ahí está el meollo.  Ya que el ricotta que pide la auténtica  'alla Norma' es ricotta salata, un primo sureño del queso ricotta dulce que regularmnte se encuentra fuera de Italia.  Sólo Dios sabe cuantas veces he hecho Pasta alla Norma con ricotta común y con excelentes resultados, pero ayer fue la primera vez que la pude hacer con el verdadero ricotta salata, comprado en Nápoles.  La Ricatta salata  es salada y ligeramente agria y le confiere al platillo un sabor rústico único.  Para el gourmet siciliano, esto coloca a la Pasta alla Norma hecha en serio muy por aparte de la versión mundana que se cocina por toda Italia.


Pasta alla Norma
Para 4 como primer tiempo
2 berenjenas grandes
4-6 dientes de ajo
1 manojo grande de albahaca fresca
200 gr ricotta salata*
500 gr pasta**
400 gr pure de jitomate***
35 gr guanciale o una cebolla peqeña
aceite de oliva
sal, pimienta

* Si no encuentras ricotta salata desde luego utiliza ricotta regular.  No será el mismo platillo, pero de cualquier manera vale la pena hacerlo.

** De pasta, puedes utilizar cualquier pasta tubular de trigo durum extruida con dado de bronze, por ejemplo maccheroni o paccheri.

*** La salsa de jitomate puede hacerse con jitomates frescos o de lata.  Como muchos italianos, yo utilizo passata, pero frescos es incluso mejor.

Calienta 4 cucharas de aceite de oliva en una sartén grande.  Añade la mitad del ajo machacado y deja que se dore despacio.  Cuando el ajo esté seco y medio dorado, retíralo y descártalo, véase foto (photo). Se trata de dar sabor al aceite.  No dejes que el ajo se queme o se ponga negro, porque amargaría mucho.

Pela y corta las berenjenas en rebanadas.  Corta la mitad en cubos pequeños y el resto en rebanadas de 1 cm / 0.5".  Añade las berenjenas a la sartén, como en la foto (photo) y fríelas e fuego medio el tiempo necesario para que se ablanden y se doren por ambos lados.


Mientras, en otra sartén, fríe el resto del ajo machacado con 30 gr de guanciale picado, o pancetta o una cebolla pequeña picada.

Una vez que el ajo se haya secado y dorado, retíralo y añade los jitomates (véase foto) (photo).  Sazona con sal, pimienta y una pizca de hojuelas de chile seco, así como un poco de tomillo y orégano, o un poco de albahaca cortada con tijeras.  Las especias dependen de tu gusto, ¡Las salsas de jitomate son algo muy personal!  

Cuece y escurre la pasta, desmorona el ricotta y corta con tijeras la albahaca a(cortarla en tabla con cuchillo arruinaría su sabor por razones que quedan sin explicar).  Calienta los platos y llama a tus invitados a la mesa.

Con cuidado pon una porción de pasta en cada plato, añade unas cucharas de salsa de jitomate.  Luego una cantidad generosa de ricotta desmoronado y cubre con la berenjena.  Salpica con una cuchara de albahca cortada para adornar y termina con un hoja especialmente bonita de albahaca.

Aunque me tomo todo el cuidado para montar una bonito montecito en cada plato, el platillo realmente arranca cuando los invitados mezclan los ingredientes con su tenedor.

Este es un platillo que te hace llorar y cantar y azotar la cabeza; todo al mismo tiempo - Así de bueno es.  ¡Un auténtico culto clásico de Sicilia!

De última hora: Esta fue otra vez que hice Pasta alla Norma para unos amigos.  Demasiada pasta, y demasiado poco tiempo.  La serví en un platón grande.

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36 comentarios

  • #1
  • Comment by abby
Hi francois, this looks delicious, thanks for taking part in vegetables, beautiful vegetables!
  • #2
  • Comment by ganimede
Your recipes are really funny, great! I would suggest to slice the eggplants and pour some salt on them. after 1 hour, rinse the salt, squeeze them a little to take out the bitter juice and then fry. That's my way. Enjoy!
  • #3
  • Comment by Tien Douglas
Hi, I am in awe with your website.  I can not wait to try the recipes.  What brand do you recommend for an ice cream maker?Sincerely,Tien
  • #4
  • Comment by Penny Lane
Hi FX!  I finally made this dish last night following your instructions - it was lovely!  I also dutifully copied your presentation style, but as you mentioned, it was even better mixed up together with my fork!  You really were not exaggerating with your praise of this dish.  It seems so simple, but each of the ingredients lends a special flavour to the dish and the end result is truly incredible.
  • #5
  • Answered by fx
Penny Lane I'm so glad this worked for you - this is such a beautiful dish when prepared correctly it really makes for a magical moment by its own power. Thanks!
  • #6
  • Comment by Sandy
The best recipes website, wonderful pictures, clear concised easy to prepare. Definitively SLOW FOOD is a total winner. Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with the world.Greetings from Bogota - Colombia - South America
  • #7
  • Comment by agatha
OMG, I think I am addicted to your website! This is the third recipe I prepare in a row, and for the third time it was a HIT! Wonderful pictures, you really make very easy to follow the recipe... I served this delicious pasta to my Italian grandmother and she said it was better than hers!!! Now I am going for the fourth one hehehe...
  • #8
  • Answered by fx
Agatha, thank you so much for your comment! I am so glad your grandmother liked this recipe. I hope you try other recipes!
  • #9
  • Comment by Magdolna
wonderful website, I love your pasta equipments, grazie!!!
  • #10
  • Answered by fx
Thank you Magdolna, I hope to see you back on my blog!
  • #11
  • Comment by Alan
Great photos and lots of good information.
My only comment on pasta alla Norma is that fresh ricotta does not really work. My suggestion (if you can't get a properly made ricotta salata), is to try a mixture of ricotta and pecorino (to add a little saltiness and character).
  • #12
  • Answered by fx
Alan, thanks for visiting! Yes fresh ricotta is not used in the original recipe but most people in Europe use it nonetheless since ricotta salata is not widely known. I think it can work but you definitely get a very different result.
  • #13
  • Comment by Cameron Williams
The ricotta salata I've found is a firm, white cheese, while your photos seem to show ordinary ricotta. Is that correct, or is there another type of ricotta salata? Either way, the recipe seems divine; I'll try it soon.
  • #14
  • Answered by fx
Cameron, indeed I have used many times regular ricotta (soft and unsalted) to make this dish, and to great results. But in the pictures it is proper ricotta salata I bought on a market in Sicily. The older the ricotta salata, the harder it gets, a bit like some people in fact. So you can get relatively soft ones or really hard ricotta salatas.
  • #15
  • Comment by jonathan
hi again. i worked for a while in a italian restaurant and we used to make a rich tomato sauce the pasta was cooked half in salted water and half in the sauce. at the end we added  mint, basil and deep fried melanzani blocks and finished it with fresh grated caccia ricotta (no sure about the spelling), give it a try!! i prefer the crisp of deep fried aubergines.
  • FX's answer→ Sounds great, restaurants often finish cooking the pasta in the sauce, it has the advantage of taming the endemic overcooking problem, however the extra starch in the sauce is not enjoyed by all. Have you read my article about pasta cooked like a risotto?

  • #17
  • Comment by Sistwo
Your recipe for pasta alla norma came up when I googled that dish. I had it the first day I was in Sicily and, I think, every day after-I love it!! I have not been able to find any restaurant,even "Sicilian" ones, that has ever heard of it.
I can't wait to try your version!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Sistwo - follow the recipe and you'll be able to make it for Sis One!

  • #19
  • Comment by Amanda
The first time I followed this dish it came out amazing, but I think another time I let the eggplant absorb too much oil. Any suggesitons for how to prevent that?

Also, I found this recipe after eating Pasta Alla Norma in Calabria and it was delicious and I was POSITIVE I tasted the guanciale, but my half-Calabrian half-Roman relatives insist the dish is made without it.  Why would they think that?  They seemed to think guanciale was for an amatriciana ONLY.
  • FX's answer→ Amanda, you need to read my article "How to fry an eggplant like a Sicilian mama" regarding your first question. As for guanciale, well, it's just not used in Sicily, I mean not at all. Sure it tastes nice but Italian food is very much about regional identity for Italians. In Rome you need guanciale to make "proper" amatriciana though.

  • #21
  • Comment by barbara kralis
your pasta alla norma had me at 'hello.'  Making it tonight.  I love to cook, had two restaurants, one large bakery.
I also make Italian bread in my home kitchen, lots of tricks there to get the same bakery results at home.
I too use Muir Glen tomatoes, plus I grow 200 of my own heirloom tomatoes each year and can them, here in
Texas. Live on an 80-acre estate, 1 hr. North of Dallas. Come and see us!
barb & mitch kralis
We'll be in Sorrento, this October, at the Excelsior Victoria.  Any suggestions for us?
  • FX's answer→ Thanks for dropping by, Barbara, wow an 80 acres estate seems as big as half of Switzerland! You could build one of those wood fired bread ovens, there are several excellent books in English on Amazon to explain how to do that, might help with the home baking!

  • #23
  • Comment by Fasulye (HTLAL-Forum)
Today I cooked this pasta meal strictly according to the recipe using salted ricotta (I was lucky that my supermarket offers this) and fresh tomatoes and eggplants. The meal tasted good. In the past I cooked very seldom and after having received your FX-reply of my last meal I decided that I will get myself some more regular cooking practice - using my own multilingual recipes - to avoid that I get stuck on the level of an "eternal beginner". Without more quantity of cooking I will not achieve a higher level of quality, this has become very clear to me. Fasulye
  • FX's answer→ Wow, I've never seen ricotta salata outside Southern Italy, let alone in Holland. Congratulations on your supermarket!

  • #25
  • Comment by Morz
Made this with fresh ricotta, and although it was tasty it was missing something.  For Australians, the dairy producer Donnybrook Farms makes ricotta salata.  I don't recall seeing it in delis or supermarkets from memory, from but you can order directly from their website.  You'd like them FX, they make all their cheeses by hand.  Thankyou for sharing another delicious recipe!

  • FX's answer→ I'll check them out - thanks!

Mon trés cher FX! I was looking for a Norma recipe today, and yours popped up. How I miss your beautiful posts! I hope you return to your adoring fans someday-- I think your life must have gotten in the way of blog maintenance, but perhaps you're writing a book. I wish you all the best things in life and cuisine, and have enjoyed re-reading some of the golden posts of the past. Your idolatrix, Maria J. in Minneapolis
  • #28
  • Comment by Suzanne Murphy Larronde
I first discovered you raita recipe on line and have loved it and prepared it a couple of times here at my home in Sarasota, Florida.  As a vegetarian, I LOVED your piece on frying eggplant; what a revelation.  I am interested in any vegetable recipe that is tasty, low fat and healthy.  Thanks so much for all you do.  Suzanne
  • #29
  • Comment by Lori
I was recently in Italy and they kept mentioning this "alla Norma", which they now top their pizza's with it as well... but I didn't know at first what it was.
I had the pasta, and it was amazing!
I want to try this recipe at home.. it's just that I worry that the fresh ricotta won't give it the same taste.
  • #30
Acaba de mandarme la receta mi hijo q. vive en Israel, quedo encantado, ...ya la estoy haciendo, me parece fantastica, y facil, ...gracias
Guao, la probé en Sicilia y me ha encantado pero prepararé tu versión, qué buena se ve. Las fotos, excelentes.
  • #32
  • Comment by martin
great recipe, but please, PLEASE mix the pasta with the sauce BEFORE serving !!!, that is the NUMBER ONE rule when cooking pasta !! all that effort, for centuries to design pasta that absorbs, or sticks to the sauce, to ruin it at the last moment ! (and your pasta will become sticky if you don't), mixing pasta with the sauce in a plate doesn't work well, and it's too late anyway.
  • FX's answer→ Yes good idea but it does not make a nicer picture for the blog, that's the reason.

  • #34
  • Comment by TOM
In the recipe for Pasta alla Norma 35 gr guanciale or a small onion is listed in the ingredients.  They are not the same thing.  Which is it 35 gr guanciale or a small onion?
  • FX's answer→ Try which one you like best.

  • #36
  • Comment by g di cuore
beautiful recipe. i would like to subscribe to your website please.

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