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Mi Nueva Chitarra - Para Cortar Pasta

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Pasta hecha en casa con la legendaria chitarra italiana, una herramienta en forma de harpa para cortar pasta.

Pasta alla chitarra es pasta hecha en casa que se corta utilizando el instrumento de la foto.  Es una especie de guitarra para la cocina.  Tiene 36 cuerdas de un lado y 72 dfel otro.

Ayer, al abrir la caja le explicaba a un amigo que estaba a punto de hacer realidad un sueño de antaño.  Al recorrer yo con la mano las cuerdas de la chitarra me miró y me dijo '¡Así es que quieres convertirte en músico!'. Lo decía en serio.

Y es que la chitarra en efecto parece una pequeña harpa, sólo que mucho más económica. El instrumento y 3 cassetti asciugapasta, o marcos con red de alambre para secar pasta fresca cuesta sólo €44 en el Centro Casalinghi cerca de Mantova. Mucha gente la vende también en los Estados Unidos.  Viene de Ambruzzo, donde la llaman carrature.

Primero tienes que hacer pasta fresca.  Hice la mía con unos 100 gr de harina normal por cada huevo, pero creo que hubiera sido mejor hacerla con semolina para obtener una pasta más dura y menos elástica que se cortara mejor.

Luego laminas la pasta en la maquinita, doblando en dos cada vez para lograr una textura tersa, sin agujeros.

Abajo puedes ver la hoja de pasta a mitad del proceso; aún no está tersa.

Colocas una hoja de pasta en la chitarra y con un rodillo de cocina y las manos la presionas contra las cuerdas.  Un poco como en la película Cube.

Enharina bien ambas caras de la lámina de pasta o se te pegará en cuando pasen por las cuerdas.  Mis primeras dos tandas se arruinaron al utilizar el otro lado de la chitarra, donde las cuerdas están mucho más juntas una de otra.  La masa simplemente se curaba milagrosamente y volvía a ser una sola lámina un instante después de pasar por las cuerdas.  Lo intentaré de nuevo con una masa más dura.

Retira la pasta y colócala sopbre un trapo enharinado o sobre una marco para secar pasta como yo hice aquí.

Bonita textura.

Cuécela unos 2 minutos en agua salada.  No le pongas nada de aceite si quieres que la salsa se adhiera mejor a la pasta. 

<>È pronto! Aquí tienes mi pasta servida con un ragù.

El lado de la chitarra para espeghetti es más difícil de usar.  Con el doble de cuerdas, la pasta normal se pega y los espaghettis se pegan.  Utilizando harina de semolina (harina de grano duro) y agua únicamente, logré hacer el espaghetti más delicioso en la chitarra:

Puedes ver la cantidad generosa de harina que utilicé para ehnarinar los espaghetti, para que no se pegaran:

Necesitas separar los espaghetti y dejar que se sequen.  ¡Es muy divertido!


Los espaghetti se cuecen en sólo 2 minutos en agua caliente.  Hice esta tanda con ajo, aceite y chiles. ¡Deliciosos!

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35 comentarios

  • #1
  • Comment by Janis Rodman
Hi there! This is what I have been looking for... I live in So
California, San Diego County. Is there a place where I can purchase
one? Or buy one on line? Thank you!
  • #2
  • Answered by fx
Hello Janis, it is rather easy to buy a chitarra in the US, several shops sell it online. One is called italiankitchenware.com but you can also find it sometimes on Ebay.com
It is a great utensil and definitely one people will talk about!
  • #3
  • Comment by kostas antonio
Your pasta was really a very interesting idea !
  • #4
  • Comment by Marie Franzoi
Great article and I have been trying to find where I can buy a Chitarra.  I live in New Jersey.  Is this the same chitarro you use to make mozzerella?
  • #5
  • Answered by fx
Marie Franzoi, this is a special chitarra just for pasta. You need the correct width. It is not the same used in cheesemaking.
  • #6
  • Comment by nana
You are sooo cool!!!I love your workThank you for the site
  • #7
  • Comment by Risa
Last night a friend was kind enough to teach me and my husband how to make pasta. (My husband had made it once before, but he wanted to understand the intricacies.) My friend made it look effortless. During conversation we talked about the "Old Fashioned Pasta Harp" (Chitarra) that his grandmother had used. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I remembered I had seen one before. I Googled Pasta Harp and found your VERY LOVELY web page. I sent him your URL and I am JAZZED about buying one before long.Thank you and cheers!RisaSan Francisco Bay area
  • #8
  • Answered by fx
Thank you Risa for this lovely expression - a "pasta harp". I love this! You can buy chitarras on Ebay and several people sell them quite cheap in the US. Happy pasta making!
  • #9
  • Comment by John
Your site is great! great ideas and pics. I just purchased a Chitarra and I am not getting great results. After kneading the dough with the pasta machine, then laying it on the chitarra I use a rolling pin on the dough, but it doesn't seem to cut all the way through and the dough just seems to stay stuck to the wires. What am I doing wrong?
  • #10
  • Answered by fx
John, the trouble you have with the chitarra is normal and I had the same. If you can't cut through the pasta either it's too thick, too dry, the chords are not tight enough or you are not applying enough pressure with the rolling pin. As for the pasta that sticks to the chitarra, you can either sprinkle your pasta sheets more generously with flour before cutting them, or make a slightly dryer mix, or just let the sheets dry for 20 minutes before cutting. Keep plenty of flour to sprinkle on top the pasta as it is being cut. Good luck!
  • #11
  • Comment by Joseph
Hey I came acrosss your article looking to buy a garganelli comb. where did you get your supplies. I really like the drying racks they look like they are stackable..  . LMK  Joseph
  • #12
  • Answered by fx
I think I had bought them from Il Toscano in Italy, but it's not so simple to order from them if you are abroad.
  • #13
  • Comment by José Luis Rucci
Hello, I'm looking where I get a "chitarra" as a sign the page and how much.
  • #14
  • Answered by fx
José, you can find a chittarra pasta maker on Ebay.com
I really loved your article.  My husband just had a chitarra shipped to me for my birthday, from Fantes Kitchen Wares Shop in Philadelphia (fantes.com).  It didn't come with any instructions, and there were very limited ones on their web page--so this article was a godsend.  The only thing I did different was roll my pasta sheets by hand.  My first batch went smoothly.
  • FX's answer→ Melanie, how thin did you manage to get your pasta sheet?

  • #17
  • Comment by Stacey D'Amico
   We spoke through email many months ago about pasta gadgets. I want to buy a pasta guitar. Fantes website sells 2 different kinds. One made in Italy and one made in the US. The one made in Italy looks like the board underneath that catches the pasta is slanted so it will slide down and out. I'm not sure how important this feature is and if the US made one has the same slanted under board i=or if it is flat.
Can you make any recommendations. This is a gadget i only want to buy once.
Thanks again for a great site as always ...you are my favorite recipe site!
Thanks Stacey
  • FX's answer→ Stacey, I apologize for the late reply. I only own one chitarra, and haven't seen the others you mention. But the main thing is that you can keep the strings tight and how many strings there are (size of your pasta!). Let me know how it works for you when you get your chitarra!

  • #19
  • Comment by kenneth babcock
i will be 57 on the 30th of november , and when i was around a little over 2 1/2 too 3 my mother said she had me helping her make and cut pasta ! wow it is in my blood i do believe ,two years ago she read a old letter telling me that my grandfathers cousin  stated his grandfather was born around palermo sicily some where ? without knowing ,,,,something strange came about i was cooking and making pasta makers for others and ,,,the bottom line is this articles just light me up and i highly want to thank you  kenneth/luigi as i am called by my older peer's
wonderful! it were thousands of years that i did not see those kind of manual tools for pasta making ;) Now we just use the machines (like the one that you are using in the third picture) with special cutting blades.
  • #21
  • Comment by monica heresi
Necesito conprar la chitarra para cortar pasta, ojalá me puedan ayudar,
  • FX's answer→ Monica, la puedes comprar en Ebay me parece.

  • #23
  • Comment by daniel
  • #24
  • Comment by Dawn  
My family has a chitarra.  My grandmother received it for a wedding gift so the chitarra is approximately 90 years.  I would try to describe it to people but they still would not understand.  My grandmother would roll the dough herself and then roll it on the guitar.  I saw a picture in the magazine and I could not believe that they are still being produced.  
  • #25
  • Comment by Ravennarose
Bought my chitarra at Fante's in Philly - i think they have a web-site. The texture of the pasta is amazing!  I used half semolina, half all purpose flour and three eggs per 2 cups of flour mixture and and about 1 tblsp. of olive oil.  I let the sheets dry about 15 minutes before using the chitarra.  I served it with clams and bay scallops with wine wine and garlic.  Simply amazing.
  • #26
  • Comment by chiffonade
Hi! For some reason I have not gotten updates from you. Can you please put me back on the list!! Hope you are well. I did a search on chitarra and wound up here. Happy to see you!  Get me back on that list!
  • #27
  • Comment by Maria
I have just inherited my grandmothers Chitarra, on one side it needs to be restrung. My husband was looking for information on restringing and came across your website. Thank you, I went to "fantes.com" where I found what we were looking for. I also inherited my great grandmothers "stick". It is the long wooden handle used to roll out the pasta dough.  Today I had the privilege to teach my granddaughter what I learned as a child. In response to a writers problem, after I roll the pasta on the chitarra, what does not fall I use a pastry brush to brush it down, it works well.
Would you mind if I use your photos of your chitarra?
I am writing an article about Central Italian food at the moment. I included the web address of my first article about Souther Italian food so you could see what I do.
I will of course give you credit and a link when I publish.
BTW, cool blog!
Lee (chefsref)
  • #29
  • Comment by Gino
  • #30
  • Comment by Johanna Terese
My son will love this !!!!!!! quite the pasta maker,and loves old Italian traditions !!!
thank you !!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks I hope he got around to trying one!

thank you for the beautiful pictures and directions.
i want to buy a chiaterra but only a quality product made in italy.also looking for a rack to dry pasta do you know a web site i can go to to locate
thanks.keep up the good work
t c
  • FX's answer→ Some people sell it in America, imported from Italy.

  • #34
  • Comment by joseph fania
where can I purchase a chitarra pasta maker.
  • FX's answer→ I suppose on Ebay

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