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Listing articles 1 to 4 of 4 articles with tag ‘Wine’
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A Visit of Château Pavie

Gerard Perse, one of the most important men in the Bordeaux wine industry, took me on a three-hour tour of Château Pavie in St Emilion. See for yourself how this man turned a failing château into one of the most prized wines in the region. Complete with many pictures and my 360° panorama of the huge limestone cellar and exclusive heart-to-heart interview with Perse.

Cheese and Wine Soup

A robust Swiss soup based on Alp cheese and Fendant white wine to warm you up during the cold months.

Swiss Wine Tart

A sweet tart made from white wine and sugar, very popular around my parts.

Medieval Hypocras at Hattonchâtel

Hypocras was the most popular drink at parties and banquets in the Middle Ages. See how we made a gallon of it in Hattonchatel castle in France using the original spices they used back then. 

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