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Sopa Francesa de Ajo (página 2 de 2)

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Sencilla y saludable sopa de ajo de Provence.
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Una vez que la harina se ha mezclado completamente con el aceite y el ajo, y no antes, enciende el fuego y fríe por un minuto.

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Añade un litro de agua caliente o caldo.  Es fundamental que logres una mezcla honogénea de aceite, ajo y harina antes de añadirlo, pues es la base de la consistencia espesa de la sopa.  Si omites este paso terminarás con una sopa muy aguada y con sabor a harina cruda.

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Dále sabor con algunas hierbas como tomillo y cocínala a fuego bajo por unos 20 minutos.

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Quiebra en pedacitos los tallarines más delgados que puedas comprar...

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... y añádelos a la sopa.  Cocínala apenas lo suficiente para que los tallarines se cuezan.

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Al final, rectifica la sazón con sal y pimienta y añade un poco de perejil recién cortado.

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Sírvela con pan de ajo tostado.  Esta sopa mantendrá tu casa libre de vampiros cuando menos un año.

¡Un agradecimiento especial a Beatrice Bryan por editar mi florido ingles! 

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«This is too good to miss!» StumbleUpon 27/02/2008

«Whoa. That is the most amazing thing I've seen all week.» Nebraska 18/08/2008

«Soup to keep you safe from Vampires!» StumbleUpon 14/03/2008

«Good God. Full body orgasm. Those photos were so good I could almost taste them. » LoquaciousLiss 01/01/2011

Copyright FXcuisine 2024 - all rights reserved.
If you do this recipe at home please let me know how it worked for you by submitting a comment or send me a picture if you can. Thanks!

195 comentarios

  • #1
  • Comment by Anne
Serait-ce une variation de l'aïgo boulido que ma cousine du sud de la France nous prépare les lendemains de fiesta? Je viens de découvrir votre site : un véritable plaisir gourmand, culturel et esthétique.
FX, what an innovative way to caramelize garlic!
Mmm! Making my mouth water. I shall make this tomorrow. Can you indicate how much flour is needed, please? Wonderful blog, I am glad you include recipes for a vegetarian like myself, and fantastic photos.
  • #4
  • Answered by fx
Anne, merci pour vos aimables commentaires! L'aïgo boulido est un bouillon d'ail infusé d'herbe et lié à l'oeuf, un délice et un elixir de santé. Cette humble soupe est plus dense et ne prétend pas à ces vertus curatives!
  • #5
  • Answered by fx
Peter, thank you for visiting! Yes indeed, it is in fact one of the best ways I've found to roast and caramelize garlic. The oil prevents the burning, you don't have to wrap the garlic heads in unsightly foil and the cloves get out on their own. You ought to try it!
  • #6
  • Answered by fx
Susie, only about 3 heaping tablespoons of flour should work. Normally for a roux you should have an equal weight of butter and flour. A safer way to thicken the soup would be to prepare the roux separately, then incorporate the remaining oil oil, and to mix everything with the garlic. Thanks for visiting!
  • #7
  • Comment by sarabande
This is an excelent recipe, which I'm going to try as soon as possible. Could you please specify the temperature for roasting garlic?
  • #8
  • Comment by mtX
FX, you make my mouth water incredibly every time I read one of your recipes (or travel stories). I only tried your minestrone recipe so far (delicious, even though it took a while...) but I'm pretty sure I'm trying the garlic soup next. Oh, and I'm also thinking of getting a pasta extruder :)
FX - this looks delicious and so simple. Those of us garlic lovers will definitely bookmark this for the to do list.I wonder if you could add a protein to this?
  • #10
  • Comment by Saxit
My mother used a lot of garlic in her dishes when I was in my teens and I somehow got too "used" to the taste. I can smell garlic and I can taste it in the first bite but after that I don't feel the taste of it for several hours at all. :(
  • #11
  • Comment by Myackie
This might be a stupid question...but what temperature should I put the oven at when roasting the garlic?  Sorry... I'm still kind of new at this.
  • #12
  • Comment by Beatrice
Donald, as FX suggested, you could use a rich broth instead of water.  I use a mixture of rabbit and pintade, which makes a wonderfully flavourful glace.
This looks delicious.  I am going to have to try it out!  
  • #14
  • Answered by fx
Sarabande, roast your garlic at 180 Celsius / 350 Fahrenheit.
  • #15
  • Answered by fx
Mihai, thanks for visiting! The minestrone is quite a bit of work (I did one yesterday in fact) but this little garlic soup is a breeze. Let me know how you get on with the pasta extruder - will you buy one that makes macaronis (with holes) or laminated pasta?
  • #16
  • Answered by fx
Donald you could add a couple bones to thicken the soup, or a piece of bacon. Might drive off our vegetarians friends along with the vampires!
  • #17
  • Answered by fx
Saxit, it's true what you say about the garlic say. We might add that after eating such a dish you'll exhale garlic smell from every pore of your body and even your skin will reek of garlic, although all those who ate some will be blissfully ignorant.
  • #18
  • Answered by fx
Myackie roast the garlic at 350 Fahrenheit and yea shall be fine!
  • #19
  • Answered by fx
Thanks for visiting Christine - let me know if you try this recipe!
  • #20
  • Comment by Kimberly
A large glass of olive oil equals......I so want to make this now but need to know that one measurement please!   Thank you.
  • #21
  • Comment by jiyin
I made this two nights ago and it was wonderful!  Easy and as it turned out relatively foolproof -- it was one of those nights I simply couldn't focus on any task sufficiently to do anything as difficult as measure ingredients, and so just put in "enough" of everything, and it tasted fine.  I also added peas, because I had some, and they complemented the soup well.  Very very garlicky, but roasted garlic is very mellow, and doesn't have quite as sharp a reek as raw.  Thank you for the recipe!
  • #22
  • Comment by thuan
Que bella! There is nothing not to love about this website. Can't wait to try this as appetizer to the bourguignon!
  • #23
  • Answered by fx
Kimberly, these are the mysteries of family recipes. A glass of olive oil equals ... however much you need to cover the bottom of your ovenproof dish so that each garlic head half soundly rests on oil. It could be a quarter cup up to half a cup. I hope this helps!
  • #24
  • Answered by fx
Jiyin, thanks for trying the garlic soup recipe! Indeed you can add beans, peas or rice for a thicker texture. Roasting and boiling takes so much of the bite out of garlic that you could almost serve this to Count Dracula.
  • #25
  • Answered by fx
Thuan, thanks for your appreciation! You will definitely have time to cook this simple soup while the Bourguignon simmers. Make sure to let your bedroom window wide open the night after - don't worry as no vampire will dare come inside that night!
  • #26
  • Comment by Guruvar
Dear François-Xavier, I think I have to go and buy a color printer, since my laserjet will not do justice to your pictures, Thanks for the glorious recipes and pictures!
  • #27
  • Comment by Margaret
This has been tempting me since I first read it and I think I'm going to give a try tonight!  I'm very excited, it looks delicious!
  • #28
  • Answered by fx
Margaret, thanks for visiting and good luck with your French Garlic Soup!
  • #29
  • Comment by Margaret
Oh my . . . that was absolutely incredible.  I just made the soup and served it with a Tilapia fillet.  I'm in heaven right now, that soup was beyond words.  So lovely.  And it was all pretty good for me!  Thanks again!!!!  I love your website!
  • #30
  • Answered by fx
Margaret I'm glad to hear the soup worked for you! Just make sure that everybody in the house eats it or he'll soon think he's a vampire trapped in a garlic field.
Peter sent us here and ....Oh Our Goodness!!! BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS !!We want our blog to be like yours when it grows up. Can we lick your pots and plates?
  • #32
  • Comment by hr
How much flour? Thanks
  • #33
  • Answered by fx
White on Rice Couple, thanks for your enthusiasm and good luck with your blog! Which Peter sent you here?
  • #34
  • Answered by fx
Use as much flour as the fat will soak up.
  • #35
  • Comment by Regina
Thank you for your fantastic recipes!!! At the moment I am preparing the garlic soup, the house smells....... wonderful. Do you like to have some recipes I like ?
  • #36
  • Answered by fx
Regina let me know of other recipes like this that you like!
  • #37
  • Comment by James Williams
I've never bookmarked a recipe before this. I'm drooling at my computer right now just anticipating making this next week.
  • #38
  • Answered by fx
James thanks for making this your first bookmarked recipe, I wish you success when you make it and don't forget to keep your bedroom well ventilated the night after!
  • #39
  • Comment by yatooba
I think it's a nice plain real soup ,a nice way to write a recipe ,thanks.
  • #40
  • Answered by fx
Yatooba, good luck if you try this French Garlic Soup!
  • #41
  • Comment by Will
Saw this and pretty much lost my mind because all the grocery stores around me are closed... I'm definitely making this tomorrow.
  • #42
  • Answered by fx
Will, good luck with your first batch of French Garlic Soup - the first of many I hope!
  • #43
  • Comment by Will
Just got done with it... oh... my... god... I served it in the same way as french onion soup is served, with the bread in the soup and cheese broiled over the top. I think I might be able to die happy now. Thank you VERY much for this recipe
  • #44
  • Comment by James Williams
I finally got around to making this last night. I used gnocchi instead of noodles and it was fantastic. I think next time, and there will be a next time, I will add in some chopped mushrooms.

Thanks again for the recipe.
  • #45
  • Answered by fx
Will please don't die just yet, at least not until you have tried by Beef Carrot Daube, it's out of this world too! Thanks for trying it and hope to see you back on my blog.
  • #46
  • Answered by fx
James, thanks for trying, I think it's great for you to take this recipe and make it yours by tweaking, adding and twisting it until it's something unique. This was originally a family recipe and it can now become your family's recipe, a treasure to be passed on to your children!
  • #47
  • Comment by cookery
FX, great recipie, but add one caveat: be warned, very warned, if roasting garlic in a studio apartment or a small flat!  Not only will you keep the vampires away, but also any friends, girlfriends, neighbors, mailmen, etc...
It was terrible; I couldn't escape the punget roasting garlic aroma!  ;)
  • #48
  • Answered by fx
Cookery, you are right, messing with garlic is a smelly endeavor and not only will your kitchen stink, but so will your bedroom and your skin for the next day. Vampires beware!
  • #49
  • Comment by nicosan
Hi there and THANK YOU for bringing such joy of taste in my life.
I discovered your site today and I am so angry that I lost such a long time wondering around the Internet, with no direction at all.
But now, since I introduced your site to my list of Favourites, it will be a hell of a ride.
See you next time,
  • #50
  • Answered by fx
Nicosan, thanks for visiting and I wish you much pleasure in the kitchen with these and other recipes!
  • #51
  • Comment by DENISE
  • #52
  • Answered by fx
Denise, use a handful of the thinnest noodles you can find for each two guests. In Provence you may have had a Soupe au pistou rather than this, look at my Magical Italian Pesto Soup article for the recipe. More work but a better soup altogether!
  • #53
  • Comment by Nanette
  • #54
  • Comment by Shelly
Just the BEAUTY of this recipe is inspiring!  I'm making this, for sure.  Thanks!
  • #55
  • Answered by fx
Shelly, thanks for visiting and good luck when you try this recipe!
Can you indicate how much flour is needed, please? Wonderful blog, I am glad you include recipes for a vegetarian like myself, and fantastic photos.we
  • #57
  • Answered by fx
Sushi, you should use as much flour as oil/butter, and as little as possible of both to make your soup thick. You could also replace this with cream for instance. Thanks for visiting and I'll be including more vegetarian dishes in the future!
That's amazing. I have never heard of such a soup, but I LOVE garlic so this will be great to try.
This soup looks so simple and fantastic! I am crazy about roasted garlic, I use it in hummus and alone as a spread on good bread. I can't wait to make this, thanks for sharing.
  • #60
  • Answered by fx
Foodaholic thanks for visiting and I hope to see you back on FXcuisine.com!
  • #61
  • Answered by fx
Tracy, thanks for visiting, try this method for roasting garlic, it's really amazing and very efficient!

Sure smells good.
Could do with a little more of this.
  • #63
  • Comment by Amanda
I tried making this soup while I was sick, since garlic is good for you and all. I didn't have many choices for noodles, so I broke up some fettuccine. I also added peas. It smelled pretty good, but unfortunately I couldn't really taste it because I'm so stuffed up. Hopefully it will taste good when I'm not stuffed up! I'll have to eat it tomorrow or freeze it I guess.
  • #64
  • Comment by Sue
I read yr receipe, its very interesting, I will make garlic soup later, but I noticed it has not shown what temp of gas number for oven not electric? Thx.
  • #65
  • Answered by fx
Amanda, I hope you recover soon and get to fully enjoy this wonderful roasted garlic soup!
  • #66
  • Answered by fx
Sue, I must improve my recipe-writing to convert temperatures to standard gas settings. I'll look into it, but in the meanwhile try with medium-high heat.
  • #67
  • Comment by matt
i used cream instead of water/stock.....blended it with a hand blender for a little bit, and then topped it with some crem fresh.

holy crap was it good :)

great recipe fx
  • #68
  • Comment by Bob Franceschini
Made this garlic soup last night for a bunch of my Thai friends and not a drop was left, and I made a lot - 9 garlic heads. I live in Bangkok and like all Asians, Thais love garlic but never tasted it as subtle as this. I've been commissioned to make it again in the country this weekend. Tonight is the Moroccan chicken with prunes. You're site is the best!
Pictures a bit on the huge side, but damn does that look good. That roasted garlic trick (cutting in half first)...I've never seen that before, but that's pretty clever.
  • #70
  • Comment by Pappyt
Thank you very much for sharing this, I am going to make it as soon as I can. It looks so good, I know it is.
 How much flour?
Sounds like a fantastic soup, i am sure to try !
  • #72
  • Answered by fx
Bob, thanks for trying this in such a thrilling city as Bangkok, I've never been but it looks like there is no shortage of exciting culinary experiences! Let me know how you fare with the Chicken Tajine!
  • #73
  • Answered by fx
Ocdude, thanks for visiting. Yes I have big pictures but a small 500 pixels version too. People normally link to the large version and that's why you saw the huge pictures. But if you go from the homepage the articles will adapt to your screen.
  • #74
  • Answered by fx
Pappyt, normally to get a proper roux you need the same weight of fat and flour. So the more oil you use, the more flour. Make sure to let it boil for a while so that it does not turn out floury.
  • #75
  • Answered by fx
Pappyt, normally to get a proper roux you need the same weight of fat and flour. So the more oil you use, the more flour. Make sure to let it boil for a while so that it does not turn out floury.
  • #76
  • Comment by My
What temperature and how long do you bake garlic?
How do you keep the Chou a la creme don't fall down after take off the oven?
Thank you
I think peel the garlic will be better.
  • #78
  • Answered by fx
Shaka, incorrect, you peel the garlic afterwards and it works fine like this already.
  • #79
  • Comment by peder
Just tried this, and it tastes great!  Added a bit of cream towards the end of the boiling, just to get a bit more texture... think I'll have to try with a bit of bacon next time.  It needed quite a bit of salt to really bring out the taste I think.  Ah, yes, one thing I did was to filter the soup through a coarse sieve before really boiling it, to get rid of the hard pieces of garlic that didn't want to get crushed.  That resulted in a very smooth consistency.  Great soup!
  • #80
  • Answered by fx
Peder, sounds like a great idea to use the sieve and cream, this must so soft and velvety! I saw a similar fish soup on a special report about Norwegian country cookery on Arte, the cultural French-German TV channel. Very inspiring too!
  • #81
  • Comment by Debbi
I plan to make this lovely soup, following your directions, tonite. Thank you for the posting, and tough cookies if my neighbors complain!!!
  • #82
  • Answered by fx
Debbi good luck with the soup and don't forget not to leave any open flame near the bedroom!
  • #83
  • Comment by Rosemary
I loved the presentation of this.  So visual!
  • #84
  • Answered by fx
Rosemary, thanks for your comment and I hope to see you back on my blog!
  • #85
  • Comment by Rene

How much flour do I use in this recipe?  It sounds really great, but I don't want to ruin it with the wrong amount.

Thank you.
  • #86
  • Comment by peder
Garlic soup sounds great, but I only see a recipe for roasting garlic.
  • #87
  • Comment by ma
where's the rest of the recipe?
  • #88
  • Answered by fx
FXcuisine.com caught the Chinese flu yesterday but now all articles are back online!
  • #89
  • Answered by fx
Peder, FXcuisine.com caught the Chinese flu yesterday but now all articles are back online!
  • #90
  • Answered by fx
René, use exactly as much flour as you have oil remaining in the pan, add the liquid and boil for a long bit until the mixture is smooth.
  • #91
  • Comment by Saxit
I've been following your blog for quite some time now and finally decided to try something out.
I just love the smell of garlic so I picked this recipe.
My problem though is that in my teens I somehow got "used" to the taste of garlic so much that after the first bite of any dish with garlic, I don't taste the garlic at all.
I thought that the amount of garlic in the soup would help but sadly it did not - so now I'm sitting here with a soup that was wonderful for the first 10 seconds but now I can only taste the flour, the herbs, the water (with some chicken stock) and so on...
It's a psychological problem I think but I have no idea how to fix it.

Lucky me that I bought some stuff for bearnaise, and a couple of avocados and eggs as well so I can try another of your yummy recipes - the perfect recipe to drown your sorrows in. ;)
  • #92
  • Comment by Kya
I love garlic so much, even simply eating whole cloves baked (in a pot roast is best.. Mmm!). I have to try this soup some time, for sure! I love the method you used for roasting the garlic. I've made up my mind to make french onion soup for the first time tomorrow though, but... It has no garlic! So I am going to try the roasting method and add the garlic to the onion soup recipe. Thanks so much for this idea, and I hope you add your own variation for french onion soup some time as well because your recipes are so wonderful!

One last thing - I am so jealous of you owning your own tandoor! Indian food is one of my favourites and I can just taste the naan thinking about it. Your site is wonderful and full of foodie temptation!
  • #93
  • Answered by fx
Kya, I'll post an onion soup some day, it's a lot of work to get the proper cooking in the onions but worth it I guess! As for the tandoor hold back the jealousy and check on Amazon.com, there are tons of models you can buy from a couple hundred dollars and up. Or you can ask somebody to build one in your garden, there is a guy who posted a very inspiring article online to show how he did that. Good luck!
  • #94
  • Answered by fx
Saxit, if you are much used to garlic you should add some freshly crushed garlic by the end of the cooking. The roasting kills the hardness in the garlic and replaces it with mellow, sweet caramelized flavors. For the flour you must make sure to boil the roux (fat, flour and water) for a good while before eating.

I think I know the restaurant just for you - it's a Swedish biker place in Soho (London) called Garlic and Shots, everything with garlic, including the pineapple pie and the beer!
Dear Francois,

I stumbled upon your blog for the first time tonight and was very impressed by both your recipes and your photography.

I'm a chef and food writer from England and write a weeekly recipe column for a UK Sunday newspaper.

How long have you blogging for?  Have you given serious thought to becoming a food writer?
I too have a food blog and I'd be most happy if wished to take a look.
Kevin Ashton
  • #96
  • Answered by fx
Kevin, thanks for your comment! I've been blogging about food for nearly 2 years, sure I'd love to write for an English-language paper or publish a cookbook. What do you think I should do? I visited your blog and love the picture, the lighting is very sharp, defined and masculine, makes for sexy pictures.
  • #97
  • Comment by Mike S
I love the recipe, and my favorite rule in the kitchen is "Never be afraid of the garlic." The only tip I offer is not to use water for any recipe that could benefit from stock. Even if you throw a boullion cube into it for flavor it will make a BIG difference.
I like the hat approach to denuding garlic halves. Very nice.
  • #99
  • Answered by fx
Mike yes you can always benefit from good stock, but I beg to differ with the bouillon/stock cube. If you use it too often it tends to even the flavor of your dishes with an industrially made stock cube. I prefer to have the pure taste of garlic.
This sounds glorious!  I will have to try it when our garlic gets ripe...

Thanks for sharing!
  • #101
  • Comment by Joy
Hi FX! We cooked this recipe of yours because we were convinced that garlic would save us from catching a cold. It was delicious! I love garlic, and this was just divine. I didn't expect that it would taste... creamy! Amazing what one can do with garlic. I will definitely try this again, even when I'm not trying to avoid colds. :-)
  • #102
  • Answered by fx
Joy, the garlic will ward off many things besides cold! Perhaps you could try the Serious Fruitcake as a dessert, the rhum will keep the cold out - for a while!
  • #103
  • Answered by fx
Jennifer, good luck with the garlic soup!
  • #104
  • Comment by Santiago Padilla
THIS RECIPE LOOKS AWESOME and I am going to make  it but I am not a cook nor have experience cooking and it would be nice to know how much a large glass of olive oil or how much flour to use but thank you very much for this recipe.
  • #105
  • Comment by Santiago Padilla
Ooops! Sorry but I just noticed that you already answer my questions in all the answers you gave. Once again, thank you very much.
  • #106
  • Comment by Christine
Your pictures are wonderful and make my mouth water... I will surely try this soup soon!!!

  • #107
  • Answered by fx
Christine have fun with the garlic soup and make sure to boil the flour roux for a long time!
  • #108
  • Comment by rosedarpam
Francois, today I was reading some of your articles in the archive.  Garlic Soup is the next recipe I will try.  I know two items that may interest you.  I can tell that you like to know more than how to cook, you also like information that relates to the culinary arts.  I would like to recommend a wonderful book to you.  Waverly Root, the american food critic and cookbook writer wrote a book called "Food."  It an encyclopedia of ingredients, giving historic and literary references.  If you haven't got a copy, Amazon.com currently has two books available.  

In addition, so far I have noticed that you have not written about how to make Dulce de Leche.  Here is how you make it.

Purchase one small can of sweetened condensed milk.  Bring a large kettle of water to a rolling simmer, then drop the can into the water.  DO NOT OPEN THE CAN.  Simmer the can of milk for at least 3 hours. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP DURING THIS PROCESS (I DID).  If
all the water boils away, the can will explode.  It took me a week to remove the Dulce de Leche from my cabinets, ceiling and light fixtures.  Many of my friends expect me to gift them at Christmas with several cans of this wonderful stuff.
  • #109
  • Answered by fx
Rosedarpam, in fact Taz's father Paul offered me two of Waverly Root's books, but I didn't know about the one you mentionned and ordered right away! I think I'll pass on the exploding condensed milk, too dangerous for me!
  • #110
  • Comment by christophe
Congratulations on a fantastic  website!  I loved the article on frying the aubergines like a Sicilian mama!  I wish I read it last month when I made parmigiana de melanzane!  Great dish but oh boy did I sweat frying the aubergines!!
I love your discovery trip to the cheese maker, and the raclette restaurant, and all those wonderful soup recipes!  And the pictures!!
Well done!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Christophe, glad you liked it! Frying Aubergines can really make you crazy, best learn the trade from a knowledgeable mama.

Wow, I love these kind of recepies where you turn the most humble ingredients into something extraordinary, i cannot live without garlic, certainly. Fx, thanx a lot for the recepie, just tried it and got the very best garlic soup I have ever cooked!
  • FX's answer→ Luis, glad the soup worked for you! Sometimes the simplest recipes, cooked properly from good ingredients, work out the best.

  • #114
  • Comment by Jessica
I'm so glad I found your site. I just tried a different recipe for a garlic soup and it didn't turn out as well as I hoped. So, when I found your recipe and it's exactly how I was thinking you can do a better garlic soup I was very happy. Thanks so much for putting this together!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Jessica and I wish you a vampire-free 2009!

  • #116
  • Comment by Donnie Panz
Ah, molto bene.  
  • FX's answer→ Yes

  • #118
  • Comment by ron johnstone
Excellent instruction from a Scots guy here in Holland Park, London W11 who didn't have a clue - apart from ill remembered muck I prepped a few times in Hollywood, La La Land.  However, I have consumed some variant of this lovely potage en France.
  • FX's answer→ Glad you liked the article Ron!

  • #120
  • Comment by Evans
Will this soup keep in the refrigerator or freezer? if so, for how long?
  • FX's answer→ Yes, I suppose it might freeze although I never tried. But it's so good you won't manage to wait long enough for the soup to go stale before giving it and eating all of it!

I like this dish, but with oranges instead. I'm going to try to make it.
  • FX's answer→ Good luck then!

  • #124
  • Comment by M.S.

I would like to thank you yet again for another great meal.  This is my second dish inspired by your page (first being the 300 minute egg.)  How simple & yet remarkably delicious.  I opted to use chicken stock & added some bacon.  Wow!  Please continue with this wonderful hobby (obsession?) so I can try more great recipies. Thank you.

P.S.  I am at the very begining of assembling my kitchen hardware & tools.  More recommendations for types of pots-pans, utensils & etc would be great!  Until next time!
  • #125
  • Comment by Jorge Martinez
I would just to say how amazed I am with your site!!
Congratulations!!! It is much better than any of the "professional" cooking sites I've ever visited.
Follows my future schedule on cooking:
1- boef bourgoigne
2- garlic soup
Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
I'll spread your site direction among my friends. It is already on my favorites ;-)
  • #126
  • Comment by Tosca
FX, please make us an article again. I miss them so much. I even feel slightly worried about you! Will you please come back here? Yours sincerely,
  • FX's answer→ Would a video do?

  • #128
  • Comment by Gordon
Just tryed making this one and it went a bit eh...wrong, I used corn flour, would that be correct, sifted through the notes here and couldnt see if cornflour is correct, can you confirm? thanks.
  • #129
  • Comment by Harlan Hokin
Greetings FX!  This is a request that sometime you consider doing an article about "Le tourteau fromager".  I received a post card from my friend in Poitiers showing a photo of this wonderful thing - apparently a special kind of cheesecake. It actually looks a bit like a turtle, and I'll bet it tastes wonderful.  I think it's a Poitou speciality, and I'm hoping that does not place it outside of your Valais field of vision.  Looking forward to whatever you post next, I'm your faithful fan in Arizona.  H
  • #130
  • Comment by helen mundell
How much flour do you add?  A simple version of the recipe 1to be printed out would be very helpful.
  • FX's answer→ Just a tablespoon will do.

  • #132
  • Comment by Vanessa
I just made this soup and substituted small, diced white potato instead of the pasta for a heartier consistency.  It was absolutely delicious!  Thank you so much for sharing this recipe--it has been added to my recipe book!
  • FX's answer→ Well done Vanessa, glad it worked for you!

  • #134
  • Comment by Laetitia
I would like to try this soup and just have one question. What wine would you suggest to compliment the flavors?
Merci d'avance!
  • #135
  • Comment by sara37
Finally, I had an opportunity to realise this magic recipe. I lacked olive oil and parsley, so I replaced them with sunflower oil and wild thyme. It was so delicious. Thanks!
  • #136
  • Comment by david coppola
love the website... we have to sit and party some day.... hey... please give me a link to those drying racks.... i and find them... the flat stacking ones... please....

  • FX's answer→ David, those racks would cost a lot to ship from Italy and they don't really accept overseas orders, but you can make some yourself, or just use a stick between two chairs to hang the pasta from it (works for spaghettis!).

  • #138
  • Comment by Julie Mills
How wonderful, the houes smelled amazing, excellent way to roast the garlic.
We loved the recipe and the tast is superb, thanks !
  • #139
  • Comment by sing
thank you ----  i am a garlic fanantic , too !
also - is pre-peeled garlic in the jar  as good as using the bulb with the skin?
Dude, I don't know what went wrong!!!  

Well, actually I do.  How did you cut your garlic in half so easily??  When I went to do the same, I ended up with broken cloves and shit all over the place.  I still followed through anyway on all of the other steps, adjusting by cutting lone cloves in half and such, but the end result was a lot of burned garlic!!  The soup came out so bitter and burnt tasting I had to throw it out :(

I look forward to attempting this recipe again, hopefully with more success.  Crackers and cheese would go very well with it I think :D
  • FX's answer→ Hello Mike, you need to have big plum garlic heads with nice cloves and a very sharp knife. Probably your oven was too hot and the garlic burnt. Good luck anyway!

  • #142
  • Comment by eva
Hi FX, I just discovered your  site. Congratulations! One of the best foodie sites I've ever seen.  Love your photos and stories. I notice you have not posted any new stories or recipes this year.   I hope you haven't stopped??!!
  • #143
  • Comment by Mike D
I cooked this last night for myself and my girlfriend last night, and it came out perfect. :D Very tasty, thank you for this!
  • #144
  • Comment by Barbara
Hi FX...
I'm writing to say how much you're missed...is there something wrong with my computer, or have you really not posted anything since 25 October 2009. I've always looked forward to your postings and miss them terribly...I just hope that you're in good health and that perhaps a busy schedule has kept you away. Regards, Barbara in Toronto
Hi roast the garlic at 350 Fahrenheit and yea shall be fine
  • FX's answer→ Thanks for your feedback, Steve.

  • #147
  • Comment by Mini
Thank you for this recipe! I took time today to make this fantastic soup for my family and it was a big success. I skipped the noodles and used a mixer to puree since I don't have a potato ricer. The only thing I'll do differently next time is to make twice as much!  Cheers.
  • FX's answer→ Glad this worked for you, Mini!

  • #149
  • Comment by Celine
I'm sorry to say that the soup looked good, but was tasteless. I am on a wheat and salt free diet and had to use rice flour and omit the salt. It was all very blend and tasteless that we decided not to eat it at all. How is the final taste supposed to be?
  • FX's answer→ Celine, salt-free sounds tasteless, if you wish the soup not to taste bland (not blend) you could perhaps replace the salt with black pepper or chili flakes. But I don't think it is one of those recipes where you can omit salt.

  • #151
  • Comment by Patrick Parker
Wondrful!  I think that a good stock makes it better than water.  What wine would be perfect with this?
  • #152
  • Comment by Rita
OMG!..my hubby & I just loved this soup, and the taste! Two words. SIMPLY DEVINE! and so easy to make. It's a keeper for sure.
  • #153
  • Comment by silvia
  • #154
  • Comment by Adriana
Ciao François, we miss you, please come back and give us more beautiful and good recipes...grazie
  • #155
  • Comment by Marlene
I made this soup with homemade turkey stock, from our Thanksgiving turkey. I also love garlic, so I used 8 heads of garlic to the 1 quart of stock. I added about a half cup of flour, basically just kept adding more until all the oil was soaked up. I then simmered it to a thickish consistancy and added orzo pasta, as that was the smallest pasta in our house. I also added premium sweet peas straight from the freezer. I also added onion powder and Worcestershire. @Partrick, any wine that you love would likely go well but keep in mind this is a mild soup and you don't want to over power it. I would drink this with a dry viogner, a crisp Sauv Blanc, or a medium bodied fruit forward Zin or Penot. But of course this is all up to you! Devine, devine, devine soup!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks for this highly interesting feedback and additions Marlene, and glad it was a success!

  • #157
  • Comment by Diana
This recipe will be made today. It may become a tradition to symbolize health and good taste.  Will post results soon. Great site, wonderful sounding recipes.
  • #158
  • Comment by Margaret
This looks so good, I can't wait to make it!
I loved this recipe. I am browsing your blog from sometime and I have decideed to make this soup on this weekend but I have one question. I don't have Thyme, can I use any other herb instead? I have basil, Rosemary, cilantro, Oregano etc. Please help me with this.
  • #160
  • Comment by charles baird
mmm garlic
  • #161
  • Comment by Odette
Your recipe sounds delicious and I want to try making it but I couldn't find the amount of flour which is added to the oil. Would you please let me know.

Thank you,

  • #162
  • Comment by dylanz
Wow.  This is the best recipe I've seen for garlic soup.  I had no idea roasting garlic that way could yield so much flavor, and at the same time tame the bite of the garlic.
I fried four pieces of bacon before-hand and set them aside.  I also prepared 10 or so pearl onions by simmering them for 10 minutes, draining, then searing them in leftover bacon grease and butter, draining, then simmering them with store-bought chicken stock for a bit.
I added the bacon (chopped up) and pearl onions to the soup and let simmer for 30 minutes, then added some crunched-up egg noodles.
Served with the parsley and freshly shredded parmesan on top, with garlic bread.  Amazing.  Thank you for this wonderful recipe!
  • #163
  • Comment by Daniel Lazarus
Garlic lover never having tried garlic soup but wanting to make it, found your wonderful site in a sea of cyber junk and immediately put your recipe to use. Followed it closely but decided to use the electric blender to smooth things over and, wow!! One only has to read all the comments to appreciate how great this is. Second batch roasting as I write, thanks for heaven.
We have a family  organic garlic farm in western New York,  and raise a variety of different garlics.    We are always looking for top end or unusual recipes. This was a wonderful! addition.  
We also have been researching other types of unusual recipes for garlic scapes. They are the equivalent of onion scallions and are preferred to the bulbs in some countries.
We out let to several grocery chains and do mail orders
Thank you again for a beautiful presentation and delicious recipe.  

Sincerely yours,

Kathleen M. Ramm

Ribbon Road Farm
8438 Lyons  Rd.
Sherman New york

Our web site is  www.ribbonrroadfarm.com
Merci Francois-Xavier,

I have a terrible cold and ear infection and wanted to make some garlic soup...I love your website and beautiful photos and have cooked several of your recipes before.
As always, this was lovely..a delicious and velvety soup that also helps cure the common cold!

Thank you again!
  • FX's answer→ For colds I would add some chili to liquify mucus and increase bloodflow.

  • #167
  • Comment by Gregoire
I tried to make this on Saturday night, but my family kept eating the roasted garlic as I was removing it from the heads!  GREAT RECIPE!
  • FX's answer→ When my dad enters the kitchen he always say "Double the quantity of garlic, son!".

  • #169
  • Comment by Thomas H Wahlers
Great Recipe, wonderful photography
  • FX's answer→ Glad you liked it!

  • #171
  • Comment by najat
yesterday i heard by accident about garlic soup , i looked for this recipe and i found yours and tried it today , it is delicious , it seems that your recipes are good , thanks
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, glad this worked for you

Winter is upon us here in Australia and the family is feeling a little low. There is NOTHING like the smell of roasting garlic in oil and I cant wait to cook this!!!! I have a French cookbook that adds bacon, potato and egg yolks to thicken it, which I have made and is wonderful especially as a main course. Your recipe seems lighter and I think would make a wonderful light starter to awaken the senses and whet the appetite!! Thanks for a great recipe!
  • FX's answer→ Bacon sounds like a nice addition but to thicken there are a number of modernist alternatives although a boiled potato should work nicely too.

  • #175
  • Comment by Doreen
Amazing! I added garlic bread chips on top with grated cheese on top and broiled for about 2mins. Right after I finished i put a pot with sliced apple, a cinnamon stick and water an simmered. No garlic oder within minutes or better yet bake an apple pie. Once again tyvm:)
  • FX's answer→ Yes I don't think garlic would pollute the oven at this temperature.

  • #177
  • Comment by Lynn Grant
This sounds really yummy - thanx for sharing.  I am a die hard garlic lover, and I'm looking forward to making this soon! And thanx for the roasting tip - I'll use that whenever I need garlic done that way.
  • FX's answer→ Indeed it works great!

  • #179
  • Comment by Donna Keech
I didn't see where you told how much flour to use. Approx. how much oil do you mean; when you say a large glass of it? (This is for the garlic soup).
  • FX's answer→ As little oil as needed to bathe the bottom of the garlic, just a tablespoon of flour to make a roux and thicken the sauce.

  • #181
  • Comment by Jerri-Ann
A cool, beautiful day on the Gulf of Mexico, recovering from bronchitis, was just made perfect by making & eating this delicious, healing garlic soup!  I will never roast garlic any other method ever again!  Merci!!!!!!
  • FX's answer→ Indeed a commendable medication!

  • #183
  • Comment by peter hobday
We have used this recipe twice and both times it was wonderful. And no smell of garlic on us afterwards! I recommend using stock rather than plain water. I use stock cubes. Also, I use gluten-free flour, which works very well as it is mostly rice based, not flour .
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, very pleased to hear this worked for you!

  • #185
  • Comment by Barbara Morgan
I love the French Garlic Soup recipe. My question are: can you use elephant garlic? How much olive oil is a "glassful " and how much flour is to be used? Many thanks for your reply.
  • FX's answer→ Barbara it would be interesting to try this with elephan garlic, but I am not sure how it would turn out. Use just the amount of oil it will take so that all garlic cloves are in some oil. As for the flour, certainly not more flour than oil (by volume), and at least 1 tablespoon should do. It will make an instant roux that will thicken the soup. Good luck!

  • #187
  • Comment by Rootietoot
This was delicious. It should, however, come with the warning that one will smell like garlic for a couple of days following eating it.
  • FX's answer→ Yes garlic does exhale through thr skin actually. This is what keeps vampire off you!

  • #189
  • Comment by Loki
I love garlic. I love soup. I'm now having a total endorphin rush after making this for dinner. Thankyou so much for this recipe!
  • FX's answer→ Very pleased to hear that my little article induced a pleasant moment, Loki!

Nice tehcnique , would try tomorrow in the Hotel, thanks for the posting.
I loved it, especially the part about being vampire free! Too funny!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks, one is never too cautious after dark a hint of garlic also works wonders on less than courteous men!

  • #194
  • Comment by Jy
Finally made this roasted garlic soup! Interesting layers of flavour. I had a small sweet potato, so I boiled it in the stock water till soft before adding it to the soup mixture. Must say that my garlic was too brown even though the oven was only at 160-170 C - perhaps caused by my pouring olive oil over the cut halves beforehand. It was easy to lift the skin off the top half but the bottom half was so fiddly and I had to use a fork to dig out each segment. :D
The soup had a smoky flavour, according to my other half. I also had to run a Stabmixer in it to puree the browned garlic cloves and potato chunks. My soup was browner than yours - because of the orange-coloured sweet potato and over-browned garlic. :D
  • FX's answer→ Glad you tried and that it worked out for you!

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