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Soufflé de Trufa Negra (página 2 de 2)

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Así puedes hacer este impresionante postre de La Truffière, Un restaurante de Paris especializado en trufa negra.
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Rallando la trufa negra directamente sobre el soufflé.


El soufflé con un montoncito de trufa rallada..


Mezclando todo despacio y con mucha delicadeza.


Vertiendo la mezcla en los ramekines individuales.  No pongas mucho ya que el soufflé subirá.


Después de unos 12 minutos en el horno los soufflés están listos ...


Después de apenas 1 - 2 minutos los soufflés comienzan a bajarse.  Si aún no estás listo para servir mételos de nuevo al horno para que suban.

El soufflé estuvo sensacional pero algo le faltaba.  Entonces me acordé.  En el restaurante le ponen un líquido agridulce al soufflé frente al comensal.  Llamé de nuevo al restaurante y esta vez hablé directamente con M. Rizet, el joven chef en pleno ascenso que tomó a su cargo la cocina en 2002. 'Preparamos un coulis de frutas con guayaba fresca, piña, fruta de la pasión y mango.  Luego lo reducimos con un jarabe de gengibre, vanilla y citronelle.  También le puedes añadir un poco de pimienta exótica.  El capitán le pone un shot pequeño de este coulis al soufflé en la mesa.' Yo no estaba seguro como añadir la trufa - rallarla resultó en pedazos grandes, nada vistosos, en el fondo de mi soufflé, por lo que le pregunté al chef.  'El truco es utilizar miel de trufa como base de sabor, luego añadir trufa negra fresca.  Necesitas picarla en los cubitos más finos que puedas, ya que sólo estará en contacto con el soufflé 10 minutos, y cualquier pedazo de mayor tamaño se hundirá hasta el fondo. Nosotros usamos la trufa entera, sin pelar'.

Intentaré mjorarlo la próxima vez, pero definitivamente éste está entre mis 10 postres favoritos.

Si decides visitar La Truffière - te lo recomiendo ampliamente - asegúrate de que te den una mesa en el precioso sótano de piedra con techo de bóveda y no en el piso de arriba.  Además, si al final de la comida el mesero te pregunta si quieres tomar café en el salon, debes saber que el 'salon' son las dos bancas junto a la puerta en la parte superior.  Bonitas bancas pero no mucha intimidad.  Échales un ojo al entrar y tú decides.  Habiendo dicho esto, el servicio es muy amable y si no lo deseas no te insistirán.


La Truffière
4 Rue Blainville
75004 Paris
+33 46 33 29 82

374552 visitas

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Copyright FXcuisine 2024 - all rights reserved.
If you do this recipe at home please let me know how it worked for you by submitting a comment or send me a picture if you can. Thanks!

16 comentarios

  • #1
  • Comment by Mistina
Merci beaucoup! I adore truffles AND soufflés, and since I don't plan
to return to Paris for at least 10 months or so, I'm anxious to try
this recipe at home.Two quick questions, please: What is caster sugar? And what is maizena?Thank you so much for sharing your experience--and this recipe!
  • #2
  • Answered by fx
Mistina, thank you for your comments! Actually I meant sucre
, that is plain granulated white sugar. As for the word
I incorrectly used, Castor or caster sugar is the name of a very fine
sugar in Britain, so named because the grains are small enough to fit
though a sugar "caster" or sprinkler. It is sold as "superfine" sugar
in the United States. As for  maizena, it is the french name of cornflour/cornstarch. Sorry for that! You
really need to beat your egg whites strongly and the soufflé,
obviously, will begin to deflate as soon as it exits the oven. Good
  • #3
  • Comment by Tammie Burnes
I loved your article.  It made my mouth water.  I want to try the recipe.  I live near the los angeles area.  Where can I find black truffles?
  • #4
  • Comment by CKfusionist
Hmm , i wonder how it tastes like though, never tried any truffle before. The nutrition lecture of mine told us there's a white truffle in the lab , never manage to find it though.
  • #5
  • Answered by fx
CKfusionist, truffles are just as good as vanilla or Stilton, just way more expensive. If you can't find your white truffle it is probably stale by now. If it is any fresh you should have no problem finding it by nose only!
  • #6
  • Comment by Jenine
Gorgeous and inspiring. I will try this at home, unfortunately not with the real deal, but rather with a distant cousin in a jar. I am really curious about the fruity, sweet compote served on top. Shouldn't the truffle dominate the flavor?
  • FX's answer→ Yes, but it works. They don't serve it with a sweet compote but with a tart syrup in small quantity. The danger with dessert is to go sickly sweet and a measure of tartness helps balance it out!

Hi FX,

Great posting! My wife and I will be heading to Paris this Summer - definitely not a truffle season. That being said, would you still recommend this dish at this place ("La Truffiere") ?
You mentioned you like this shop better than La Maison De La Truffe - can you elaborate a tad more? Our trip will be short enough that I'd like to make it as effective as possible.


  • FX's answer→ Will I really recommend La Truffière, but la Terre de Truffe is a fine place to sample some truffle dishes too, although I prefer to buy them at la Maison de la Truffe. Why don't you read my article Paris Truffle Dinners and my other Paris articles for more information, this might come interesting!

I am going to make this one for sure, thanks!  Do you know a reliable on-line store where I can buy black truffles?  I've heard of Chinese imitations being sold as black truffles.
  • FX's answer→ Claudia, I wouldn't buy truffles online at all. Just wait until you can buy fresh, very fresh one. Ask a local gastronomic restaurant where they buy theirs.

  • #12
  • Comment by Gloria
Hi there!

Amazing recipe! May I know how you plan to incorporate the truffle honey into the souffle recipe?

When do we add the truffle honey to the souffle, and how much is needed? Thanks!

  • #13
  • Comment by Elsa
Thanks for mouth watering recipe.
I got the truffle and I'll make it this weekend. I have two sizes of dishes for individual soufflé. What size do you use?
  • FX's answer→ Dish size depends on the portion I need, not sure how it affects the rising of the soufflé.

  • #15
  • Comment by truffles
I loved the recipe idea, need to get my hands on some truffles to try this and truffles with mashed potato.
  • FX's answer→ Well glad you liked it

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