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Foie Gras Terrine (Video)

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Learn how to make a foie gras terrine from scratch in only 12 minutes.

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In my second video you will see how to prepare a terrine de foie gras, one of the most extreme delicacies in French gastronomy.

Click on the frame below to play the video. You need Flash player for this, 96% of the world's Internet browser have this software. You can download it free from here. I have uploaded the High Definition version on Exposure Room as Vimeo had a foie gras indigestion.

Will you really learn how to make foie gras terrine in 12 minutes? Well, at least you'll really learn in 12 minutes how to make it. That I promise - the rest is up to the good Lord. For the Gutenbergs among us I include a printable recipe hereafter:

Terrine de foie gras [tayreen duh faw-ah grah]
1 whole duck or goose foie gras, uncooked (not a tin!)
40gr in total of a mixture of dried apricots and prunes
40gr in total of a mixture of almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios
Sea salt
A small glass of whiskey

Wait until the liver is at 18C° (65°F) temperature (measured with a probe inside the liver), warm your knife blade and slice the liver in its two lobes, then each lobe in two pieces. Remove the veins. Soak in cold water for 2 hours. Meanwhile chop the dried fruits and nuts and soak them in the whiskey. After two hours, drain the water and cover the bottom and sides of a terrine dish with 2/3 of the foie gras. Fill the center with the dried fruits and nuts, and cover with the remaining foie gras. Place the terrine on a plate in a larger ovenproof dish filled with water and bake for 30 minutes at very low temperature, between 60°C to 100°C (140° to 210°F). Remove the rendered fat from the terrine and set it aside. Cover the liver with foil and a very flat weight and place in the fridge for 2 hours. When the terrine has set, remove the weight and foil and melt the rendered fat on top to protect the terrine from turning rancid. Serve after leaving 24 hours in the fridge with sea salt and toasted brioche.

Those who oppose foie gras but have eaten duck this year might ask themselves what do foie gras farmers do with the rest of the duck. Yeah, that's right, you ate it.

As for the video, my apologies for it is not perfect as I am still learning to direct and cut from the kitchen, a most demanding craft!

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Copyright FXcuisine 2024 - all rights reserved.
If you do this recipe at home please let me know how it worked for you by submitting a comment or send me a picture if you can. Thanks!


"Ain't life grand?" Ha ha, indeed, my friend! Very funny video. The title is a bit misleading though. "Learn how to make a foie gras terrine from scratch in only 12 minutes." where "in only 12 minutes" refers not to the making but to the learning. Anyway, keep making those entertaining videos.
  • FX's answer→ Thomas, yes this is by design, entrapment by foie gras. Would you have clicked if it read "Learn how to make a foie gras terrine from scratch in only 48 hours"?

  • #3
  • Comment by Agustin
Fantastic!!! You really enjoy your creations hehehe
I must try this and make a nice present to my brother, he loves foie.
Gracias y un saludo
  • FX's answer→ Hola Agustin, this indeed makes a great present for Christmas time!

  • #5
  • Comment by ND
Madre, this is some seriously good stuff. Now, if only there was a way to save these videos…
  • FX's answer→ Nathan, thanks and glad you like it! Unfortunately the videos are not savable.

  • #7
  • Comment by JD
I finally get to hear what your voice sounds like. I've been guessing if it was french,swiss (do they have accents?) , or even dutch. I love seeing these videos as it's a definite eye opener. That and your brutal honesty about buying stuff that is only fit for the restroom, had me spit some coffee on the keyboard.
  • FX's answer→ JD glad your wish was granted! Yes, we Swiss do have accents, only deaf-mutes don't. like in every part of the world language denotes where you come from geographically and socially. Dutch, ah, never passed for a Dutch but in Italian I sometimes pass for Russian, and three times I've been taken for an Italian!

  • #9
  • Comment by James
In my state, Maryland, USA there is a law banned foie gras. I do not care because I do not like to eat liver anyway.
  • FX's answer→ James, you are like myself a person of good taste if you don't eat liver. Liver is a sort of piss filter for blood and is usually very strong. But foie gras is entirely different although the same organ. Not hard-tasting at all but sweet. As for Maryland's laws, queen Henrietta Maria of France must weep in her common grave in St-Denis la Basilique!

Oh, yummy! That foie gras terrine looks fantastic! As usual, your video is very entertaining and interesting! I love your mouthwatering photography...

Cheers and Happy Holidays,

  • FX's answer→ Thanks Rosa, I now try to make the same images with the video, a tall order!

Ha-ha!  Fantastic as always, Mr. Xavier.  I'll have to find a butcher in the area that will sell me a duck liver, since all we have are big-market grocery stores.  You're getting much more comfortable in front of the camera (I'm thinking that 'shot for the chef' of whiskey wasn't the only one?), and the technical stuff will come in time.  If editing in the kitchen is a pain, you may be able to pick up an inexpensive editing software package, like Apple's iMovie (assuming you're on a Mac).  That way you can just let the camera roll while you cook and not have to worry about editing until afterwards.

Anyway, great stuff, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next installment!
  • FX's answer→ Harrison in fact I don't like drinking all that much, had to force-feed myself in front of the camera - or maybe I didn't! I don't edit in the kitchen but God knows how exhausting it gets, 72 takes in total (lots of cuts).

Great one - thanks

Drinking on the job? ;)

Is it possible to replace the Scotch with a good brandy?
  • FX's answer→ Mirra, oh yes you can definitely use Armagnac or another brandy. Of course it will impart its personality to the foie gras, but if you'd drink it on the job it must work.

  • #17
  • Comment by Chris
Great video Francois. That looks so good and I have got to try to make that!! Unfortunately, where I live (Utah) I'm not sure if I could even find foie gras in any market. Utah's claim to culinary fame is being worlds largest consumer (per capita) of Jell-O, so Haute cuisine is quite a rarity. Don't get me wrong, I love living here, but I do miss the gourmet stores and food I found everywhere when I lived in Oregon and California. Anyway, great job and keep up the great work! Your blog is by far the best on the web and a shining light for those of us who live in a culinary black hole.

  • FX's answer→ Chris, thanks a lot! Utah is very much like Switzerland in terms of mountains, do you guys have any herds of cows? For foie gras I think you'd have more luck in Oregon than California where it's banned too. As for black holes as long as you can find fresh vegetables and meat and nuts you can cook pretty much anything, the mind is the only limit!

  • #19
  • Comment by James
I hope you will always include text in your article every time you do the video because those deaf folks can't hear your beautiful accent.
  • FX's answer→ James, I never thought of that, I'll think of some transript or subtitles so I can then feel free to curse in tongues!

OMG - I soooo freeakin' jealous!
  • FX's answer→ But Jaden, where is the love?

  • #23
  • Comment by Stas
Let me first say that I love your recipes and videos and I eat meat, but the comparison between the slaughtering of an animal and the way the ducks or geese are treated is wrong.
Most animals are treated relatively well before they are slaughtered but the way ducks and geese are treated with force feeding is horrible.
I don't pass judgment on people who eat foie gras but please acknowledge the fact that the treatment of ducks and geese could be improved a lot.
The duck "has a little bit too much to eat" is a big understatement, it was never the ducks choice.

And yes I know the insides of a slaughterhouse, I was a butcher for many years.
  • FX's answer→ Stas, thank you for your comment and for bringing up that important issue. While, like you, I strive to eat only animals who enjoyed a good life, I think most meat sold in the world comes from animals who live in dreadful conditions. Chicken in tiny cages piled high with cascades of shit falling on them, pigs who never left their booth and can no longer walk, and worse. What I wish to say is that a goose coming from a quality foie gras farm eats way too much (and not by choice) for the last two weeks of her life, but many of those animals from intensive farms live a horrible life from start to finish. I didn't mean to condemn butchers by this, but rather to show how silly it can be to focus on foie gras while ignoring the difficult living conditions of much cattle, a suffering of a much bigger proportions in the number of animals concerned. I take the liberty to bring this up since some US state now ban foie gras. And to them, I say "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye."

  • #25
  • Comment by Allan

The foie gras looks delicious.  I think you may have a future on the Food Network.  Was that a small amount of parmigiano reggiano that you grated at the end?
  • FX's answer→ Allan this was rock salt to balance the foie gras' sweetnes.

One year we had a turkey that had a huge liver.  After it was lightly fried, then blended with butter, black pepper and salt, mixed with chopped walnuts and allowed to set, all the people who had been snorting and saying they wouldn't eat it helped scrape the bottom of the little pot, eating it on crackers.  No, it wasn't gourmet -- but it was good!
  • FX's answer→ Donna, getting people to enjoy offal nowadays is the test of real chef - if you can do this you can achieve anything! One day I want to try a wild boar liver, that's really huge and strong!

Nice video, 12 minutes is impressive for a a terrine.  I noticed that you did not put anything under your cutting boards and they slid as you tried to slice things.  In restaurants we usually put mats or wet towels under the cutting board to prevent sliding it really makes a difference, other than that good job.
  • FX's answer→ Johnny, you saved my day! I completely forgot about this trick and will use it every time from now on!

  • #31
  • Comment by Harlan Hokin
Dear FX! Your videos are absolutely wonderful.  Never mind about the tiny technical imperfections, if any.  Your knowledge and your willingness to share your personality are the real event.  Thank you , and keep it up!
  • FX's answer→ Thank you Harlan and I'm already working on the technical and editing glitches!

  • #33
  • Comment by Sam
These videos are fantastic FX! Very different to the photography -- perhaps you're looking to be in a "FX's twist" or "The FX word", maybe?

Aside from that, a laugh I must point out: whiskey, dried fruits, high fat, white bread? Perhaps you've gone to the scots!

Thanks again :)
  • FX's answer→ Sam, yes that is the plan but I don't fancy entertaining on a set with turkeys and cows who comment on the dishes or try to cook them up. Have you seen the one where a guest drops a whole box of caviar upside down on the floor? That would be too much for me to palate!

  • FX's answer→ Sam, it was not white bread but saffron brioche, there is butter and eggs inside!

  • #36
  • Comment by Amanda
I agree with james. I am deaf as well and it would be terrific if you could transript or do some subtitles. Just goes to show all variety of people which are very obvious from the comments enjoy your witticism and haute cuisine!
  • FX's answer→ Amanda, thanks for letting me know, I will look into subtitles and how they could work for online videos!

I love the videos too and would have loved to partake in some of the terrine. Gorgeous duck fat & Merry Christmas too!
  • FX's answer→ Callipygia, there was so much foie gras that it was my own liver that took a dive!

  • #40
  • Comment by chef4cook
Foie Gras is one of my all time favorites! For me I love duck and goose. I roast potatoes and saute in the rendered fat. I also use the fat from my confit to cook with as well. Very nice video. I enjoy the non sripted approach.
  • FX's answer→ Great use of fat, on potatoes, very Bordelais! Yes I am not sure I could really stick to a sript, at least not in every language.

  • #42
  • Comment by Josh
Brilliant again. It's just so entertaining; you're so laid back. What's outside those windows in the back there? Also, nice faucet.
  • FX's answer→ Josh, indeed isn't it one cool faucet? Outside my windows is the vast world...

Thank you for your inspiring videos.

I am going to pick one of your recipes and cook it with my family this christmas. It will be a nice
thing for me to do with my family since I haven't seen them in a while.

Thank you so much for this website, it really is one of a kind
  • FX's answer→ Thomas I wish you a happy Christmas with your family and hope you will find something nice to cook them!

  • #46
  • Comment by Joshua
Your first videos are very interesting.  Probably the most interesting cooking videos I've seen since Julia Child, your rambling and humor are very funny.  Also your accent seems to alternate between American, British and French, cool!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Joshua, I think I have a book by Mrs Child (or is it by her husband Lee?) but never saw her videos. Yes I am a man of many accents. Too much TV?

  • #48
  • Comment by Ouroboros
Absolutely great, FX.  Everything looks good and sounds good in the video.  The recipe is very interesting as well...however I was more interested in the duck fat that you skimmed off than the actual dish itself.  I can think of a million different uses for that fat, not the least of which would be sauteeing garlic/onions/peppers to prepare for a classic meatloaf or "spaghetti and meatballs" type dish.

As a side note, as you were tossing utensils and pans into the sink I had a remembrance of watching the "Swedish Chef" skits on "The Muppet Show" when I was a kid.  Google "Swedish Chef videos" if you are not familiar with it.  I was just waiting for you to toss your cooking instruments over your shoulder with a hearty "BORK! BORK!" to go along with it.

Great job, FX...
  • FX's answer→ Ouroboros, in fact I melt that wax back on top the set terrine in the end. Of course many people discard it when you serve it and actually I brought this as a gift to a party and suggested they use it in their roasted potatoes, to no avail! This Muppet Show cookery sounds quite interesting, maybe I'll devise another utensil throwing soon - just check back next year.

Dear FX - My word you so entertaining cooking live! Almost Pepin-lite (possibly missing Julia?)

Another reader (viewer!) asked about this - I believe it was sea salt to finish off the toast.

  • FX's answer→ Rajesh, yes indeed it was sea salt from the Himalayan (or so it says on the box). I'll look up this Pepin fellow to see what he's up to!

  • #52
  • Comment by Gary V
FX, ten years ago I used to love a good traditional cooking show.  Now I’m bored to death by them.  On the other hand, your two videos so far have been very entertaining.  I love the way your hobby is evolving from being behind the camera to shinning in front of it.  Your sense of humor and personality really shine through.  While I enjoyed your first video (partially just because it was kind of… bad) you have shown marked improvement with this one.  My favorite part was at the end where you literally got giddy when eating your creation.  Save some of that duck fat for me!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Gary, glad you liked my little show!

  • #54
  • Comment by Beatrice
Dear Francois,

Ouroboros beat me to it...I was wondering if the thermometer in particular survived!  It does remind me of early Julia Child, and she became a huge star--even after her death she is still revered.
  • FX's answer→ Beatrice, I love Julia Child, just saw her shows on Youtube after your comment. Great stuff! Yes, everything survives, I am not the Swedish Chef and only throw robust item in my basin.

Excellent video.  I did not know that foie gras should be at specific temperature to remove the vein.  I was told there is a technique, pardon my non-existing french, "deveinage" which is done with 2 plastic forks.  Can you shed some light
on it.
  • FX's answer→ Leonid, yes the temperature is quite essential as it sets the rigidity of the livers. Too cold and you can't get the veins out, too warm and everything starts melting like butter. It is the single most important factor. Then you can use plastic forks or other implements, but get the temperature wrong and you'll destroy a really fine product.

  • #58
  • Comment by TikiPundit
Well, both your kitchen skills and video talent are coming through.  Yes, I know you intend to keep working on both, and so please do.  By the way, how do you edit your videos?  Software names?  Which hardware?  
  • FX's answer→ Tiki I use Adobe Premiere CS3 on a DELL Dimension.

  • #60
  • Comment by Luke
I really enjoyed this video. Charming accept, jovial demeanor, wonderful cooking skill, and a light peppering of snark. What else could one ask for from a cooking video?

A cut above all the other amateur shows, and definitely more enjoyable than a lot of professional shows.
  • FX's answer→ Luke thanks for your endorsement!

  • #62
  • Comment by Luke
By the way, I was wondering, aren't you at least a little concerned about your knives? I mean, couldn't tossing them like that ding the sharp edge up a bit?
  • FX's answer→ Luke did I really throw a knife with the blade touching metal? I wouldn't do that, maybe the damned whiskey got to me!

  • #64
  • Comment by Dave
Excellent video! Thanks!

I might suggest working on the audio a little though, I found the volume to be very low.
  • FX's answer→ Dave this is worrying, I will investigate it!

  • #66
  • Comment by Jay
"Oooh shit, that's heavenly."

FX, you are awesome. I really love your reaction to the food you make - just sheer delight. That might be my favorite part of these videos.
  • FX's answer→ Jay, thanks for your praise! I just discovered Julia Child's 1970s videos and apparently this style has been around for a while - with the cussing on top!

  • #68
  • Comment by Udi
Great recipe! it sure looks good!
It's so ashame we can't get any goose liver here in israel (its been outlawed recently...)
You'r videos are fantastic keep it up...
P.S ardbeg is one of my favorites to :-)
  • FX's answer→ Udi, I think the ancient Egyptians used to make foie gras, you might just buy a goose and force feed it yourself as another reader suggested! Otherwise a visit to Paris would be a delightful solution. Thanks!

  • #70
  • Comment by Angelo
Your video has inspired me to try cooking foie gras again. It is horribly expensive here in the Philippines and you have no idea how horrendously difficult it is to cook foie gras in a tropical environment... Although the last time I cooked foie gras wasn't too big a disaster, I served it with some apples cooked in butter and calvados. Most of my foie gras though did melt into a pool of delicious yellow grease.


If only it wasn't so expensive...

I've half a mind made up to keep a goose in my backyard and force-feed it the corn mash they use to fatten it up. I don't think my kids will forgive me though...
  • FX's answer→ Angelo, this sounds like a great project to have your own goose in the backyard. Just tell your kids that this is the way they do it in France!

  • #72
  • Comment by HazelStone

Thank you very much for your wise answer to the conditions of foie gras birds. One of the reasons I rally to Martha Stewart (despite her numerous failings) is that long before it became "hip" she vocally advocated for cooking with animals who have not been factory farmed. I am very glad you do not dismiss this important issue. The farmers who are able to maintain their family farms and livelihoods thanks to more humane, smaller scale farming also benefit when we turn down factory farmed meat.
  • FX's answer→ Hazelstone, oh I've always been for only eating animals who have grazed outside and seen the sky.

I LOVE the video, once again. I think the lighting looks much better since it was done during the day.
I vividly remember when I was in middle school in Italy and our French teacher told us about foie gras and the horrified reaction of the entire class including yours truly. Then when a few years later I did try foie gras, it had me at first bite. OH SO GOOD! I had no idea how it was actually made until I saw your video, it looks delicious. So I had to go out and buy some and here I am now nibbling on foie gras and leaving you a comment! Happy New Year!
  • FX's answer→ Aglio & Olio, thanks for your comment, indeed the lighting was better than at night, more balanced, and we managed to throw the background out of focus. Yes foie gras is criticizable, but many critics have never even tried it or visited a goose farm. Ah, those city people ... !

I made your recipe for New Year. That terrine was divine! Thanks for the expert info and great tips...

Happy New year!


  • FX's answer→ Thanks Rosa, glad this worked for you!
    where did you find the foie gras? I got mine from Mullhaupt in Le Mont sur Lausanne.

  • #78
  • Comment by Joseph
I'm a graduate student of philosophy, but I love the transitory pleasures of life.  Rich Tuscan Borolos, perfectly executed Bolognese sauces, etc.  But, I must say, this dish really tops them all.  Really.  It really is so far over in the realm of transcendent that it doesn't register for most people.  I made it yesterday and ate it with friends.  It killed my budget for the next two months, what with the cookware that I had to buy, but hey, you only live once.  A friend of mine from New York made some challah bread, which we toasted.  It was quite spectacular.  Thank you so much for this video.  

I would have never thought to try it on my own, given what I read in the Larousse Gastronomique about the difficulty of deveining the foie gras (we used goose liver).  I suceeded in freezing the candy-nut roll, because I learned from your mistake. Thus, it turned out better than it did for you.  Based on the problem that you had with the freezing, we decided to add a brown sugar syrup with a German Riesling to the roll.  It worked really well and the taste was quite complementary.  The rest of the meal consisted of various shaomai -- one of them had a filling of Japanese Gyokuro tea leaves (we also drank Gyokuro tea with it -- you need something that is very neutral, Sauternes would be a bad compliment, I think) with organic soy sauce, sake and sea salt.  It was quite amazing.
  • FX's answer→ Joseph, thanks for your kind comment! Unfortunately the cholesterol bill incurred by eating this is anything but transitory. I am really happy that my little video gave you the courage to take this dish on, most people are a bit frightened and some don't understand why you would "make your foie gras yourself when you can buy it in a tin". Great that the sausage worked for you, I think mine was not wet enough or too much alcohol in the Whiskey. If you like Japanese tea you'll find an article that might interest you - my first in 2009.

  • #80
  • Comment by Lennart Cederberg
Francois, Thank you. The best I've ever seen! We loved your enthusiasm in the Fois Gras video, my wife, all our four children aged 11, 9, 7 and 6 and you certainly made the Swedish snow melt outside our house... I also appreciated your Tandoori session a lot. Very fun :) I certainly would like to have a Tandoori, but I think it will be in the garden… I also liked your Bigoli session. I bought my Bigolaro from Alessandra Bottene two years ago. It took a while before I understood how to use it properly. The dough r e a l l y needs to be very firm and the cooking time muuuch longer than any other fresh pasta. Biggest size No8 is yet sufficient for my family with one filling, but the cleaning process is tricky, especially when the garden hose has freezed…
I will certainly keep myself updated on your website. Thanks for today’s Japanese green tea. Looking forward to new enthusiastic videos… Keep up the good show…:) Fois Gras is not very politically correct in Sweden (either), but especially when I last had a superb fried Fois Gras in Marseille last yaer I am stuck…
Best Regards Lennart Cederberg in Norrkoping, Sweden
  • FX's answer→ Hello Lennart, thanks for your kind email, I am glad to see a whole family of readers from Sweden! The tandoor is something you can build in the garden there is a chap on the Internet who has pictures of his own. A fun project indeed! As for the bigolaro might I recommend you place the disc with the holes in the washing machine right after using, then use a skewer to remove whatever wet bits of dough are left after the washing? Otherwise it is quite a pain to use. I cook my bigoli only about 90 seconds but they might be a smaller size than your disc. Good luck with the foie gras, one day the EU boffins will try to ban it I'm quite sure (if only because it tastes so good...)!

  • #82
  • Comment by celso
Hi, fx.
Quite funny to see that you have plenty of fine ingredients and gorgeous equipment right in front of you... but not something as plain as ice! I liked too much your last article (abour the japanese knife artisans), and if in other occasions I praised your fine sense of humour, I cannot miss this opportunity to remark how I admire the way you choose such a comprehensive list of topics of interest for food lovers!
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Celso! I don't use ice, that's why, and had no time to make it freeze by the time it was needed. As for the topics, this year it will be mostly about Switzerland but should be, I hope, of interest too!

  • #84
  • Comment by Mary Jane
Hi there xavier
My name is mary jane and I am just a humble chef from Australia with such a passion for food and learning about any cuisine, that it drives me to distraction, I consider myself broadminded and I am certainly willing to try anything!!!!
I have commented on your wonderful website before and follow your culinary journey closely,I know that you are a man of excellent taste and you are very well educated,I know that are also very informed and you seem to look beyond what you see and enjoy the history or "origin" of a food just as much as the obvious sensory pleasure it brings, such as sight, smell, and especially taste! just recently I was so disturbed by a recent video clip that had been sent to me. It was a video about "speed cooking in china" I recommend that every foodie watch this and re assess what they believe about their own thoughts on the treatment and handling of the food that comes our way!!!It's made me realise that part of being a "foodlover"  is caring how our food is treated!!!  I was shocked by this video and I believe that even in the "culinary world" there must be an ethical or moral standard!!! While I am certainly not a vegetarian there are humane ways to treat and respect the animals we enjoy on our plate!!!! I also looked up Foie gras as I didnt know much about it, I had realised that the birds are forced fed, however I reasoned that they must "enjoy this. I am an optimist you see, and an ostrich as well!!! However on further investigation,I have discovered they are treated terribly, and suffer a great deal during the process just so we can enjoy the pleasure of eating their "fatty liver" I know you must be thinking that i am some crackpot, or greenie or something, but I have such respect for you and appreciate all that you shared with us fellow foodlovers,hwoever with all of your knowledge I am just asking you to think about what i have said and maybe do some investigating yourself,its hard to enjoy something on your palate when you know what price another creature has paid for it!!! thanks for your time MJ x
  • FX's answer→ Mary Jane, I understand how you feel, but there are various types of goose farms, more or less intensive. In traditional farms the geese do not suffer as much as is portrayed on greeny gorish sites. The birds, in my opinion, certainly do not suffer more than industrially-raised chickens, of which there are a thousand times more.

  • #86
  • Comment by Mami
Wow - another great recipe & video.  Love foie gras and went to the Foie Gras Museum in Agen last year.  Not just a great place to buy foie gras but very educational too.  I must try this recipe - thank you for sharing :)
  • FX's answer→ Mami, have fun with the foie gras!

  • #88
  • Comment by Mary
I loved your video!!!! I hope I have the courage to make this someday. It looks absolutely heavenly. And your face as you tasted it is worth a 1000 words!. The pictures made my mouth water.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Mary, it is not as much work as it appears and well worth it!

  • #90
  • Comment by Jon
Hello FX,

voilà quelques jours que je passe quelques minutes sur ton site, à feuilleter tes articles et admirer tes photos (dont certaines sont complètement incroyables!!). Mais en tombant sur la video de la terrine de foie gras... Je suis tombé amoureux (c'est une image). C'est un vrai bonheur de te voir et de t'entendre cuisiner, alliant si bien les gestes aux paroles (Shit, that's heavenly! ou encore "Pourquoi avoir de la brioche quand on peut avoir de la cuchaule suisse!!"), le calme à l'empressement, la couleur à la lumière, le sel au poivre...

La dévotion toute personnelle que tu semble mettre dans cet espace hédonique me touche beaucoup, et la beauté du rendu s'en ressent! C'est un pur plaisir de te lire et te voir!! J'espère le faire encore longtemps!!

so long,


  • FX's answer→ Merci Jon, ça me fait bien plaisir d'entendre de si gentils propos sur mon site! Pas d'inquiétude, tant que mon foie me soutient, je continuerais à publier sur FXcuisine.com
    Au plaisir!

  • #92
  • Comment by Yvonne
I realize that English may not be your first language, but I wanted to thank you for doing the blog and your videos in English.  I do not understand French, so I would not be able to enjoy your work if you used your native tongue.
Thank you! I appreciate your effort and hard work.
  • FX's answer→ Thanks Yvonne, I'll save the French for cursing then!

  • #94
  • Comment by Ana D
I have to tell you.. watching this video just made my day... and when you lifted the lid of the terinne... I felt the smell of it... pfuiiii... I so feel like eating a biiigg chunck of it!
Great job FX!
  • #95
  • Comment by Cynthia
Bon Jour Francois,

I had the pleasure of watching your video on "How to make Foie Gras Terrine".

You are very charming as well as a great instructor.  I have always been a little timid about making a terrine, but maybe now I'll give it a try.  I was in Paris several years ago for my Bithday, and could not get over how wonderful the food was.  My sister's and I walked all day seeing everything we could know there would be a great meal just waiting for us somewhere.  

Thank you so very much again for your gifts.

Very truly yours,

Cynthia Gardella
  • #96
  • Comment by karima
Dear Mr. FX, my husband and I have been drooling over your recipes and beautiful photography for a while now. I also really enjoy your videos. I finally made the foie gras, and on top of that, I found, with much difficulty, a recipe for cuchaule to go with it. The result: pure, unadulterated heaven!! Just bliss. Thank you so much, I am a fois gras fanatic but would never have thought of making my own terrine.
  • FX's answer→ Ah Karima, you are indeed a true believer if you went to the extent of baking your own cuchaule! A very fine combination, especially with a sweet white wine...

Chapeau, Monsieur.

Loved the video, love the Blog.
  • FX's answer→ Merci à vous!

  • #100
  • Comment by Katie Weinner
Showed your Foie video to my culinary students and they adored you! They think you should star in a culinary series and we should show it at the school...this could be big! Thanks for your enthusiasm and down-right love of food-Can't wait to see more from you. Incredible website, photos, writing and of course videos-keep it coming!
  • #101
  • Comment by erleen
Hi! I just found your blog and already I am a big big fan!

Your very detailed pictures and writing are so great! I am currently poring over all your previous articles. Coming from a tropical country, your website is a revelation! I am living vicariously through your posts! keep up the good work!
  • #102
  • Comment by Maria
This was so helpful and cured me of my fear of deveining. Thank you!

Please post more.  Your blog is the best cooking site in the world in my opinion.

  • #103
  • Comment by Electric Crepe Maker User
You my friend are a godsend!!! I bought a terrine dish couple months ago and already did Pate Grandmere but this is what I bought it in the first place :D Keep up the amazing work!
  • FX's answer→ Glad you liked it!

Wow ... my favorite!  I actually felt faint (seriously, I was dizzy) when you were putting this on the toast....
  • FX's answer→ Thank you Traci, glad you liked it!

  • #107
  • Comment by Lorrie Gaschen
I love your video on making foie gras. My first attempt is this weekend and the liver is just about ready to de-vein. Why do some say to wait 2-3 days to eat it after its finished? Do you ever use sel epices? I am in the states and can't find that and saw lots of recipes with it. I'm going to go with the sea salt like you.
  • FX's answer→ Hope it works for you! Don't use salt-based spice mixes, they are rip-offs.

  • #109
  • Comment by Lisa Koester
Thank you very much for this. My husband and I are attempting to make it on our own for the first time. (We usually buy it pre made but this will be fun to try)
I hope it turns out! We only have a short time to perfect our skills before the Communits invade California on July 1 and make it illegal.
  • FX's answer→ Hope this was a success before the Commie invasion!

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